Trump Vance Administration
Trump and Musk Aren't the First to Make Deep Cuts
More than 30 years ago, a Clinton-era 'Reinventing Government' saved billions
Trump Vance Administration
More than 30 years ago, a Clinton-era 'Reinventing Government' saved billions
WASHINGTON, June 11, 2018 – Before the official date on which the Federal Communications Commission’s action changing net neutrality were to go into effect, conservative technology experts slammed a recent Senate vote to restore those Obama-era network neutrality protections “The [Congressional Revi
WASHINGTON, March 3, 2009 – Revamping the nation’s energy grid for the 21st Century could increase demand for a nationwide broadband network. But a group of experts from government, standards-setting bodies and industry told senators Tuesday that all stakeholders must first do a better job of workin