NTCA CEO Calls for USF Reform
‘The USF contribution mechanism is sadly really outdated and needs to be repaired,’ NTCA CEO says
‘The USF contribution mechanism is sadly really outdated and needs to be repaired,’ NTCA CEO says
The commissioner also said he thinks Biden will support Big Tech contributions to the Universal Service Fund.
WASHINGTON, July 23, 2019 – Television broadcasters’ main bête noire used to be the cable industry, known more formally as “multichannel video programming distributors.” But the changing media landscape is forcing the National Association of Broadcasters to look for new rivals like AT&T, Dish Networ
BROADBAND BREAKFAST INSIGHT: Critics of municipal involvement with broadband infrastructure will find all manner of reasons to oppose them, and this article from Motherboard elaborates on Federal Communications Commissioner Mike O’Rielly’s views about the subject. This appears to be an extension of
WASHINGTON, December 9, 2014 – The Media Institute announced a new initiative on November 24 aimed to protect the group’s view of internet freedoms around the world. Entitled Global Free Speech and the Internet, this program will be “guided by a number of underlying principles, based on the belief t
WASHINGTON, June 8, 2010 – FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn spoke at the Media Institute last week on the issue of broadband authority and regulation. She devoted the majority of her remarks to debunking the concerns of critics who oppose the FCC’s recent proposal to reclassify broadband Internet ser
WASHINGTON, December 9, 2009 – A cable industry leader made the case Wednesday that proposed government rules to regulate internet access in support of so-called Net neutrality or open internet principles are not only unnecessary but would threaten First Amendment rights. “Net neutrality rules have