Second Circuit
Federal Inaction on ACP Spurs State-led Broadband Subsidies
As federal ACP support wanes, state broadband subsidy solutions in New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia offer innovative solutions to maintain connectivity.
On March 27, Data Center Summit for $195; Webinar option for $95
Second Circuit
As federal ACP support wanes, state broadband subsidy solutions in New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia offer innovative solutions to maintain connectivity.
Advocates propose merging digital discrimination reporting requirements with existing Broadband Data Collection.
Concerns from advocates echo some of FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s concerns for the ACP.
The plan addresses availability and adoption of a high-speed internet connection for disadvantaged communities.
Partnerships for broadband need to emphasize community engagement to improve connectivity
Broadband access can bring more gender equity in the workplace, experts say.
Broadband's Impact
In the wake of the Emergency Broadband Benefit program, a new group emerges.
WASHINGTON, February 11, 2013 – The increasing prevalence on job applications being online is just one of many reasons why it is vital to “close our nation’s digital divide and [improve] digital literacy,” Rep. Doris Matsui, D-Calif., said Thursday. Having more people connected would in turn allow m
WASHINGTON May 17, 2011- As part of National Small Business Week, the Federal Communications Commission assembled leading experts for a cybersecurity roundtable discussion on Monday and unveiled a set of new partnerships aimed at educating the public. “A recent Symantec study found that American sm
Recovery Act
WASHINGTON, June 16, 2010 – The Broadband Opportunity Coalition, a new coalition of civil rights organizations, announced a plan to promote Broadband adoption and literacy among minority and disadvantaged communities. The coalition was formed in response to encouragement by the National Telecommunic
New America
WASHINGTON, December 16, 2009 – A number of groups representing minority interests are advocating that special rules be created by the government for Native Americans applying for broadband stimulus grants. The awards are being decided by the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and