broadband prices
Broadband Prices Decrease Amid General Inflation
‘At a time when inflation has become the norm, broadband is an outlier,’ USTelecom says
broadband prices
‘At a time when inflation has become the norm, broadband is an outlier,’ USTelecom says
A new study finds the U.S. has among the fastest wireless download speeds.
Cross-agency task force to focus on policies to combat digital discrimination and promote equal access to broadband
Remote work and learning during the pandemic compelled some lawmakers to get creative in expanding broadband availability. In Delaware and Alabama, state officials earmarked parts of their CARES Act funding to create broadband vouchers—monthly service rebates—for households with school-age children.
US Telecom recently released an update to its U.S. broadband industry capital spending series. Ford’s analysis shows that while the decline in capital spending in 2015 and 2016 stopped in 2017, investment in the telecommunications sector is materially compressed, being about $10-to-$13 billion (or 1
WASHINGTON, October 15, 2018 – The Phoenix Center on Friday released a new report on how the existence of a “transaction window” could help facilitating market-based repurposing of electromagnetic spectrum. The eight-page report, “Expediting Spectrum Repurposing Through Market Transactions,” present
WASHINGTON, July 1, 2014 – At an informal Phoenix Center roundtable on Tuesday, June 24, Federal Communications Commissioner Michael O’Rielly criticized net neutrality and urged fellow critics to take advantage of the FCC’s open comment period on the topic. Comedians like John Oliver of the Daily Sh
WASHINGTON April 18, 2011 – The New America Foundation, in cooperation with the Consumers Union, gathered representatives from the leading wireless services providers and consumers groups on Wednesday to discuss how requiring mobile broadband service providers to interoperate would affect consumer c
Breakfast Club
WASHINGTON, September 20, 2010 – The Broadband Breakfast Club on Tuesday, September 21, will feature a discussion about the future of broadband, and how it is regulated. Among the panelists who will face off at the event, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Clyde’s of Gallery Place, are officials from Public
WASHINGTON, December 4, 2009 – A top government official focused on the need to improve the allocation of spectrum for future broadband expansion during a telecommunications conference on Thursday. “The United States needs a comprehensive approach that expands upon proven flexible, market-oriented
Broadband's Impact
The level of competition among special access providers in metropolitan areas has been an issue for a number of years. While some believe that simply allowing these providers to operate in a truly open market the problems would be solved, many others feel that the Federal Communications Commission s
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, July 16, 2009 – The Phoenix Center on Wednesday released a report today that aims to further debunk the frequently-cited Organization for Economic Cooperation Development’s report ranking the United States at 15 in broadband penetration among OECD members.
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, July 14 – A study about broadband adoption by the Phoenix Center is a better gage of United States deployment than the higher-profile reports of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a Republican Federal Communications Commissioner said Monday.