Klobuchar Leads Effort to Ban Algorithmic Price Fixing
Bill attacks algorithms designed to raise prices and limit competition
Bill attacks algorithms designed to raise prices and limit competition
Net Neutrality
‘We think the odds of Congress acting as requested are zero.’
X (Twitter)
'Government mandates and censorship will not protect children online,' said Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., one of the 'No' votes.
Chevron Doctrine
'After years of confusion and uncertainty, the Supreme Court overruled Chevron, restoring integrity, transparency, and constitutional adherence to the federal judiciary,' Crapo said.
Chevron Doctrine
'The Supreme Court’s overturning of Chevron undermines our government’s ability to promote worker safety, ensure clean air and water, and protect consumers,' said Sen. Warren.
Officials warned the resolution would create confusion and uncertainty for local governments on infrastructure projects.
Digital Inclusion
ECFiber, a small ISP in Vermont, has heeded the call of the lawmakers to fund the Affordable Connectivity Program out of their own pockets.
Digital Inclusion
A commitment to fully fund the month of May would give Congress time to provide new money for the Affordable Connectivity Program.
The agency is set to vote on the measure next week.
Section 230
A wide range of tech industry associations and civil liberties advocates applauded the decision to leave Section 230 untouched.
Expert Opinion
The Net Neutrality and Broadband Justice Act may harm the ability of broadband infrastructure to grow.
A bill would have the Commerce Secretary identify categories of personal data that could harm national security if exported.
Section 230
The debate on what government should — or shouldn’t — do with respect to liability protections for platforms continues.
A Senate Judiciary bill is facing industry criticism on its effectiveness.
The agency held an open meeting Thursday to hammer out votes on a range of issues.
Democrats intro device subsidy bill, OneWeb half way to launch goal, Trevor Jones is USTelecom VP of gov. affairs.