As Biden’s Antitrust Chief Exits, Will Trump Keep the Momentum?
The DOJ’s antitrust division saw record enforcement under Kanter.
The DOJ’s antitrust division saw record enforcement under Kanter.
White House
WASHINGTON, June 13, 2018 – Was a federal district court judge’s decision to permit AT&T’s merger with Time Warner a victory for the rule or law over politics – or was it instead another defeat for the consumer at the hand of ever-consolidating mega-entities? That question permeated Tuesday’s confer
White House
WASHINGTON, June 12, 2018 – A federal district judge on Tuesday ruled that AT&T can proceed with its $85 billion merger with entertainment giant Time-Warner, spurning Justice Department arguments that the allowing the deal to proceed would harm consumers by driving up cable television costs. Distric
White House
WASHINGTON, May 13, 2018 – AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson on Friday announced that the company was parting ways with the executive responsible for hiring Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen in an apparent effort to grease the skids for the company’s merger with Time-Warner. The revelations of the AT&T payment
Telecom attorney Jonathan Lee takes down the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division’s specious case against the AT&T/Time Warner merger in this detailed blog post, excerpted below. (Click on the link at the bottom for the whole argument.) Here’s the money quote: “This alleged harm is simply t
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON March 4, 2011 – Broadband continued to expand at a significant pace in 2010 despite a struggling economy, according to data released this week from the Leichtman Research Group. According to the data, cable companies added 2.3 million new subscribers while telephone companies added only 1
WASHINGTON, February 7, 2011 – Online content providers Netflix and Akamai released data recently indicating that U.S. internet service providers meet expectations for promised peak broadband speeds, but fall short when it comes to sustained speeds.
LAS VEGAS, January 10, 2011 – After last week’s slew of press conferences and unveilings, the latest new products at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) left little doubt: 2011 will be “The Year of 4G.” In fact, CES 2011 was as much about the networks as it was about the devices themselves. As the
WASHINGTON, November 8, 2010 – A key policy goal of FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski’s is the reform of the Universal Service Fund, which is a program designed to help bring communications service throughout nation. The recent National Broadband Plan proposed the creation of a mobile broadband fund t
Big Tech
Cablevision customers may be cut off from watching baseball in upcoming days if a business dispute between the cable company and a local broadcaster isn’t resolved by midnight Friday.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 2, 2010 — An economic analysis of cable television prices and video programming costs filed with the Federal Communications Commission this April by the Walt Disney Company can’t be trusted because it considers the wrong factors in its analysis, according to a group of economic c
Broadband's Impact
WASHINGTON, December 22, 2009 – The annual dance between broadcasters and cable providers gained a new player on Tuesday as Sen John Kerry, D-Mass., sent a letter to executives at Fox and Time Warner Cable urging the companies to resolve their respective issues over retransmission consent between no
Broadband's Impact
WASHINGTON, November 30, 2009 – A trade association representing small and independent cable television providers has endorsed Time Warner Cable’s effort to reign in rising programming licensing fees. The American Cable Association announced on Monday its support for Time Warner’s “Roll Over or Get
Net Neutrality
WASHINGTON, June 18, 2009 – Time Warner Cable found itself clashing with a member of Congress from its home state on Wednesday as Rep. Eric Massa, D-N.Y., introduced the Broadband Internet Fairness Act, H.R. 2902. If passed, the bill would authorize the Federal Trade Commission to review the fairnes
WASHINGTON, June 1, 2009 – Consumer advocacy groups are gearing up for another fight with Time Warner Cable after the internet provider quietly updated its terms of service with language that critics have pounced on as a harbinger of future metering and usage caps.