US Ignite on Infrastructure Funds, Crypto at World Economic Forum, Great Plains Fiber Run
US Ignite is pushing member organizations to apply for NTIA funding under the infrastructure bill.
US Ignite is pushing member organizations to apply for NTIA funding under the infrastructure bill.
Public Safety
May 15, 2020 — Community support is vital for local business longevity amid the coronavirus, said panelists in a US Ignite forum Thursday. Panelists discussed the measures that their communities and organizations took to support small businesses and the common good during the coronavirus pandemic. U
April 8, 2020 – Syracuse, New York, has made significant strides in implementing small cells technology to poles, according to a webinar hosted by smart city-accelerator US Ignite on Monday. So-called “small cells” are the wireless transmitters and receivers that go on streetlights on poles in a cit
Smart Cities
Editor’s Note: We’ve received this note from the Global Cities Teams Challenges of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and US Ignite. Read more [https://broadbandbreakfast.com/2014/12/drew-clark-the-year-of-community-and-municipal-gigabit-broadband/] about the these important challeng
Broadband Mapping and Data
February 10, 2015 – With all the talk — and now the action — behind building Gigabit Networks by hundreds of cities across the United States, a key question emerges: What can actually be done with all the speed? Understanding the technologies that take advantage of Gigabit Networks is a key componen
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, January 14, 2015 – The White House on Tuesday announced efforts to end laws that harm broadband competition, several steps to support a growing national movement of local leaders for Gigabit Networks, plus new federal funding and a new initiative to support community broadband. The annou
Editor’s Note: We received this announcement on Wednesday afternoon about the very exciting Global City Teams Challenge, which has been supported by US Ignite: The Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC) was successfully launched by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and US Ignite
Breakfast Club
WASHINGTON, September 24, 2013 – The Broadband Breakfast Club released the first video of its Broadband Breakfast Club Virtual Event, on “How High-Capacity Applications Are Driving Gigabit Connectivity.” The dialogue featured Dr. Glenn Ricart, Chief Technology Officer, US IGNITE; Sheldon Grizzle
Broadband Mapping and Data
WASHINGTON, June 19, 2012 — Last Thursday President Obama announced the launch of a new initiative, “US Ignite” and signed an Executive Order reducing the cost and barriers to broadband build out and construction along federal roadways and properties. The Order aims to make construction 90 percent