Former RIAA Lawyer Verrilli Confirmed as Solicitor General
WASHINGTON June 8, 2011 – The Senate Committee on the Judiciary confirmed Donald Verrilli, Jr. as Solicitor General on Monday.
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WASHINGTON June 8, 2011 – The Senate Committee on the Judiciary confirmed Donald Verrilli, Jr. as Solicitor General on Monday.
A Clinton administration architect of a digital age copyright law, a former solicitor general for the United States, and an army of content industry associations on Friday sided with Viacom in its appeal of a June court decision that said that YouTube wasn’t liable for infringing the media company’s
Google’s YouTube isn’t eligible for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s safe harbor provisions because its founders deliberately built the business on pirated content, according to media behemoth Viacom’s lawyers in an appeal of a June district court ruling against its favor. The appeal cites int
Viacom has hired former Solicitor General Theodore Olson to appeal an unfavorable outcome in a billion dollar copyright infringement lawsuit that came down this June, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 21, 2010 — A bipartisan group of 10 US senators on Monday introduced legislation that would enable the US Justice Department to render inaccessible Web sites judged to be dedicated to intellectual property infringement. The legislation would enable Justice to seek a preliminary
SAN FRANCISCO, June 23, 2010 — YouTube scored a major victory in a bitterly-fought, billion dollar copyright infringement lawsuit Wednesday brought by media giant Viacom when a federal district court judge in Manhattan said that a 1998 law shields YouTube from liability.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 1, 2010 – A group of individuals who have successfully used YouTube to gain prominence in their fields on Friday jumped into the legal fight between media giants Viacom and Google to persuade a federal district court judge that YouTube is a legitimate tool rather than a tool used