Broadband Infrastructure
Broadband Infrastructure is the means to deliver Better Broadband, Better Lives
More about Broadband InfrastructureBroadband Infrastructure
BEAD - Broadband Breakfast
The Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment program is implemented by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the U.S. Commerce Department.
Broadband Mapping and Data - Broadband Breakfast
Accurate broadband mapping and data has been central to America’s broadband buildout.
Funding - Broadband Breakfast
The pandemic has prompted a new era of funding for broadband infrastructure.
Rural - Broadband Breakfast
Because Rural America is often the least-connected region in the country, ensuring coverage is central to BEAD.
Universal Service - Broadband Breakfast
The Universal Service Fund, codified in 1996 with the Telecommunications Act, remains the foundation of universal access.
Open Access - Broadband Breakfast
Open Access networks separate network operations from internet services. Ownership may also be separate from operations.
Community Broadband - Broadband Breakfast
The last three years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of communities building publicly-owned, locally controlled infrastructure.
Tribal - Broadband Breakfast
Tribal leaders say the federal government has failed to uphold its trust responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of Native American tribes.
Fiber - Broadband Breakfast
Fiber-optic technology is the gold standard for home or commercial broadband, and powers wireless connectivity, too.
Data Center
Data Centers and Cloud Computing rely upon robust and high-speed upload and download internet speeds.
Satellite & Wireless
Satellite - Broadband Breakfast
Satellite broadband remains an option those areas beyond the reach of fiber, terrestrial or mobile wireless.
Wireless - Broadband Breakfast
Wireless technologies are critical for mobile communications, and for being able to reach remote locations.
Mobile communication has become a central part internet connectivity.
Spectrum - Broadband Breakfast
Whether licensed, unlicensed or shared, radio frequency spectrum is the critical resource for wireless communication.

Broadband's Impact
What impact does high-speed internet have on people's lives?
More about Broadband's ImpactBroadband's Impact
Digital Inclusion - Broadband Breakfast
We need humans to make digital inclusion work.
Education - Broadband Breakfast
Technology, particularly broadband access and adoption, plays a vital role in K-12 and secondary education.
Health - Broadband Breakfast
The innovations of telehealth and mobile health care has transformed medicine and health care.
Public Safety - Broadband Breakfast
Ensuring that emergency communications are enabled with broadband is the next frontier in public safety.
Telework - Broadband Breakfast
Broadband internet service allows many people to work from almost anywhere.
Democratization - Broadband Breakfast
The internet has the potential to impact, and also to enhance, society’s democratization.

Crypto & Privacy
More about Crypto & PrivacyCrypto & Privacy
Cryptographic technologies and blockchain ledgers are driving a new era of decentralized finance.
Artificial Intelligence - Broadband Breakfast
Artificial intelligence is poised to transform humans’ relationship with technology, and each other.
Privacy - Broadband Breakfast
The entire concept of privacy has been transformed by broadband and the internet.
Cybersecurity - Broadband Breakfast
Digital locks and keys are necessary, but not sufficient, to ensure cybersecurity.
Robocall - Broadband Breakfast
The scourge of robocalls is making America’s once-vaunted telephone network less trustworthy.
Net Neutrality - Broadband Breakfast
Whether broadband providers may prioritize delivery of bits by the entities they own is a divisive topic.
Chips - Broadband Breakfast
Semiconductors are the world’s new oil.

Energy & Innovation
More about Energy & InnovationEnergy & Innovation
Advanced Energy
The infrastructure necessary for advanced energy also powers the infrastructure necessary for high-speed internet.
American Energy
American energy production has increased substantially over the past few years.
Nuclear Energy is potentially ready for a revival in the Trump 47 Administration.
Smart Cities - Broadband Breakfast
Cities of the future rely on high-speed internet access and advanced fiber and wireless connectivity.
Drones - Broadband Breakfast
Drones and airborne transportation are one of many advances to come for smart cities and communities.
Autonomous Vehicles - Broadband Breakfast
Self-driving cars are one of many advances to come for smart cities and communities.
Free Speech - Broadband Breakfast
Debates about the role of free speech have been transformed by broadband internet services.
Social Media - Broadband Breakfast
Social media plays a powerful force in the lives of most adults and teenagers.
Section 230 - Broadband Breakfast
Section 230 is sometimes called the 26 words that created the internet.
Antitrust - Broadband Breakfast
Antitrust has been re-invigorated by concern over the power of big technology, media and telecom companies.
Special Topics
Premium Reports - Broadband Breakfast
The Broadband Breakfast Club produces exclusive reports for Breakfast Club Members.
State Broadband Pages
Get a snapshot view of broadband initiatives in every state, district and territory.
Expert Opinion - Broadband Breakfast
Send Expert Opinions to commentary@breakfast.media. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Broadband Breakfast or Breakfast Media LLC. All Expert Opinions are FREE for all readers.
Broadband Live - Broadband Breakfast
Broadband Breakfast Live Online is a FREE broadband news webcast on broadband technology and internet policy. It takes place every Wednesday at 12 Noon ET. #broadbandlive
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