Virginia Broadband Project Overlap Resolved

The FCC granted RiverStreet's request to hand back RDOF locations covered by a competing county project.

Virginia Broadband Project Overlap Resolved
Photo of historic St. Peter's Church in New Kent County by Larry Syverson

WASHINGTON, Jan. 6, 2025 – An overlap between federal and local broadband projects funded in a single Virginia county near Richmond has been resolved.

The Federal Communications Commission on Dec. 19 approved a request from RiverStreet Communications to hand back without penalty about 1,200 homes and businesses it was supposed to serve through the agency’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund

Those locations were in New Kent County, which, after RDOF awards were greenlit, put $16.1 million toward a project by Cox Communications to get fiber to the entire county. The county has 9,034 housing units and 447 businesses, according to the Census Bureau.

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