What's New in Broadband: March 17, 2024

Encapsulating the most important broadband happenings of the past week and considering what's next.

What's New in Broadband: March 17, 2024

The FCC updates speed threshold, China in the crosshairs, spectrum finally getting some love

Highlights of this past week, as seen through our coverage here at Broadband Breakfast:

  • The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday finally updates its speed threshold, to 100 Megabits per second (Mbps) download * 20 Mbps:
FCC Increases Broadband Benchmark
The agency went through with its proposed 100 * 20 Mbps definition.

It's about time! But is that the right threshold?

  • The "cold war" between China and the United States is in full swing. The House passed a bill on Wednesday to require that TikTok be sold to a non-Chinese-controlled entity or be banned in the U.S. But the chamber didn't neglect other communications matters in which China is involved. On Tuesday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee unanimously cleared four pieces of legislation: Drones, foreign communications transparency, a task force on 6G technology, and routers and modems by Chinese equipment makers:
House Subcommittee Advances Bills Countering Chinese Threats to Communications
The bills focus on thwarting potential efforts by China to exploit security vulnerabilities in networks.
  • In the Senate, a bill was introduced to reinstate the one-year-old lapsed authority of the FCC to engage in spectrum auctions:
Thune and Cruz Introduce Bill to Reinstate FCC Auction Authority
The bill would also require the NTIA to flag 2,500 megahertz of federal spectrum for repurposing.

Coupled with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's National Spectrum Strategy, this issue is finally getting the attention in Washington that it deserves.

Implementation Steps for National Spectrum Strategy Announced
The implementation plan aims to bolster the U.S. spectrum workforce to support future wireless policy and innovation.

Broadband Live events

It was exciting to participate in a "deep think" issue this past week on quantum computing and quantum networking, during Broadband Live. I wouldn't say I understood even half of what my panelists raised. But I do believe that this future-focused issue is very important.

Quantum Computing and Networking Poised to Revolutionize Cryptography
Quantum computing represents a fundamental shift from classical computing, which relies on solving problems through rapid trial and error.

This coming week, don't miss the Broadband Analytics Seminar, taking place on Tuesday, March 19 at 2 p.m. ET. This workshop will continue the conversation began at the Broadband Measurement Summit in Washington on March 7:

March 19, 2024: Broadband Analytics Seminar
How quickly is the installed base of fiber growing? How does the rate of growth vary by state and by county?

And on Wednesday, March 20 at 12 Noon ET, our regular Broadband Breakfast Live Online will feature a "status update" on Tribal broadband connectivity:

Broadband Breakfast on March 20, 2024 - Tribal Broadband: A Status Update
What’s the status of tribal broadband connectivity in anticipation of the NTIA’s second funding round?

Have a great week!

Drew Clark
Broadband Breakfast


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