Why Smart Cities Will Be the Key Future Driver for Internet of Things Applications
Broadband Breakfast Insight: A good roundup piece highlighting the crucial role that cities will play in the future of internet of things (IoT). Consumer gadgets have been the initial driver, but it is in civic applications that full potential will be realized. See Drew Clark’s piece on “What the In

Broadband Breakfast Insight: A good roundup piece highlighting the crucial role that cities will play in the future of internet of things (IoT). Consumer gadgets have been the initial driver, but it is in civic applications that full potential will be realized. See Drew Clark’s piece on “What the Internet of Things means for local government.” ->
Some of the same technologies used in Japan will be put to work in Colorado to make highways smarter and safer.
Panasonic officials trumpeted a “strategic alliance” with Disney theme parks during their Wednesday press conference at CES 2017, bringing none other than Mickey Mouse on stage to do it.
But they turned serious, bringing on Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock to discuss Pena Station Next, the 282-acre residential, mixed-use development that is home to Panasonic’s Enterprise Solution Division.
Smart streetlights that automatically adjust to the time of night and light levels have already gone in. French-made, driverless shuttles will start running this year, and an “iconic” quarter-mile-long LED sign near the Denver International Airport is planned, Hancock told a packed room at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show.
Hancock called these “foundational opportunities” that will be the underpinning for the smart city to come.
Source: CES 2017: Honing in on Smart Cities, Intelligent Highways and Airport Robots