America is Either ‘In Very Good Shape’ or Has ‘Big Catch-Up’ in 5G Race with China

WASHINGTON, February 26, 2020 – Depending on who you asked in the Dirksen Senate Building, America is either “in very good shape” or has “a big catch-up to do” in the so-called 5G race against China. Speaking at an event hosted by the American Consumer Institute, speakers also had different thoughts

America is Either ‘In Very Good Shape’ or Has ‘Big Catch-Up’ in 5G Race with China
Photo of panelists in one of two sessions on "Alleviating the Spectrum Crunch" by David Jelke

WASHINGTON, February 26, 2020 – Depending on who you asked in the Dirksen Senate Building, America is either “in very good shape” or has “a big catch-up to do” in the so-called 5G race against China.

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