America’s Communications Association Connects Select Grant Spellmeyer as New CEO
Spellmeyer previously worked at U.S. Cellular and ACA Connects member company TDS Telecommunications Corp.

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Spellmeyer previously worked at U.S. Cellular and ACA Connects member company TDS Telecommunications Corp.
WASHINGTON, May 17, 2022 – America’s Communications Association Connects announced Tuesday the selection of Grant Spellmeyer as its President and Chief Executive Officer. Spellmeyer will succeed Matt Polka, who intends to step down in July.
Hensen submitted false invoices to the USDA
The company received a buyout offer from private equity firms last year and is still evaluating the deal.
Maine Urges BEAD to ‘Invest in the Right Technology for the Right Place,’ Not Pure Tech Neutrality
Says FCC overstepped its authority.