12 Days of Broadband
Going Into Year 3 Without FCC Spectrum Auction Authority
Hope for a single auction, but not blanket authority, materialized at the end of the year.
Reporter Jake Neenan, who covers broadband infrastructure and broadband funding, is a recent graduate of the Columbia Journalism School. Previously he reported on state prison conditions in New York.
12 Days of Broadband
Hope for a single auction, but not blanket authority, materialized at the end of the year.
The state is set to get fiber to more than 80 percent of its eligible homes and businesses.
Rip and Replace
It will now head to President Biden's desk.
Open RAN
The funding is aimed at software tools for open RAN deployments.
It's at least the sixteenth state to start taking grant proposals under the $42.5 billion program.
Video of Latta's speech also available on Broadband Breakfast.
Digital Inclusion
The state is set to begin enforcing the law in 30 days.
The White House in March laid out plans to study nearly 2,800 megahertz of government spectrum.
Digital Inclusion
The ACP wind down left some participants wary, an outreach organization said.
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case challenging the $8 billion fund's legality.
Chevron Doctrine
The Supreme Court ended the practice of deferring to agency interpretations of ambiguous law this summer.
Net Neutrality
FCC rules that went into effect before Aug. 1 are likely insulated from the act.
It's not clear who will succeed him at NTIA under the Trump administration.
The state is looking to get service to 9,000 homes and businesses without any broadband.
Republicans in Congrass have called for changes to the program when Trump takes office.
Both orders were adopted unanimously.