Chairman Carr Adds to FCC’s Senior Staff

Speech-focused attorney Adam Candeub named FCC General Counsel

Chairman Carr Adds to FCC’s Senior Staff
Photo of FCC Chairman Brendan Carr from FIRE

WASHINGTON, Feb. 5, 2025 – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Brendan Carr continues to appoint leadership roles to help him run the agency.

Carr announced Tuesday that he has appointed four people to serve in FCC leadership positions. 

Most notably, Carr named Adam Candeub as the FCC's General Counsel. Candeub previously served in the Trump Administration as Assistant Secretary at the National Telecommunications and Information Agency and Deputy Associate Attorney General at the Justice Department. As General Counsel, he will serve as the Commission’s chief legal advisor.

Candeub is a longtime critic of Big Tech and could use this position to help Carr require social media platforms to protect Americans’ free speech rights or lose some or all of their immunity from legal liability in Sec. 230 of communications law.

“The FCC will work to dismantle the censorship cartel and restore free speech rights to everyday Americans. I look forward to Adam Candeub serving as the FCC's General Counsel. He is going to do great things!” Carr said on X.

Candeub and Carr’s speech-related activities will likely target Meta, the tech social media empire run by Mark Zuckerberg, and Google, including its hugely popular video site YouTube. Meta has already begun rolling back censorship efforts. 

Carr also appointed Jay Schwarz – Vice President of Public Policy at Comcast – as Chief of the Space Bureau, Adam Jackman as Director of Strategic Communications in the Office of Media Relations, and Dana Howell as Executive Assistant in the Office of Chairman Carr.

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