Cloudflare Launches DNS Partnership Program for ISP, Equipment Vendors

Providers would be able to use the company's DNS resolvers for free.

Cloudflare Launches DNS Partnership Program for ISP, Equipment Vendors
Photo by Taylor Vick used with permission

WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2024 – Cloudflare invited internet service providers and equipment vendors Tuesday to use the company’s free domain name system service in their hardware.

For participating ISPs, it would make Cloudflare’s service the default DNS service on their network devices, which the company says provides a faster alternative to provider DNS servers.

DNS resolvers translate between human-readable web addresses and the computer-friendly IP addresses necessary for devices to exchange information online.

Cloudflare’s massive content delivery network, a collection of servers and data centers that store web content closer to consumers, makes it a major DNS provider. The company claims it processes 1.7 trillion queries per day through its service.

The company outlined two other resolvers for ISPs to configure their devices with: a security-oriented one that blocks malware sites, and a family-oriented one that blocks adult content.

Cloudflare’s announcement also noted a premium option with more customization called Gateway.

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