Contact Tracing App Can Assist in Reopening Localities Safely, According to AI Task Force Panelists

July 9, 2020 — In the absence of federal leadership, the number of coronavirus cases has continued to climb in the United States, reaching a new single-day record number of infections on Wednesday with 60,000 cases recorded in 24 hours, according to infectious disease physician Dr. Krutika Kuppalli.

Contact Tracing App Can Assist in Reopening Localities Safely, According to AI Task Force Panelists
Screenshot of infectious disease physician Dr. Krutika Kuppalli from the webcast

July 9, 2020 — In the absence of federal leadership, the number of coronavirus cases has continued to climb in the United States, reaching a new single-day record number of infections on Wednesday with 60,000 cases recorded in 24 hours, according to infectious disease physician Dr. Krutika Kuppalli.

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