Federal Communications Commission Grants First Licenses for Tribal Radio Frequencies During Priority Window

October 24, 2020 – The Federal Communications Commission on Friday granted its first licenses in the 2.5 GigaHertz (GHz) spectrum to 154 tribal applicants during the agency’s first Rural Tribal Priority Window. The licenses provide exclusive use of up to 117.5 megahertz of 2.5GHz spectrum and will p

Federal Communications Commission Grants First Licenses for Tribal Radio Frequencies During Priority Window
Photo by Gary Wilson of the USDA of the Colville Reservation. Leaders of the Confederated Tribes were among those pushing the FCC to open broadband spectrum for tribes' internet access use

October 24, 2020 – The Federal Communications Commission on Friday granted its first licenses in the 2.5 GigaHertz (GHz) spectrum to 154 tribal applicants during the agency’s first Rural Tribal Priority Window.

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