Mignon Clyburn, Coy on Future Federal Communications Commission Role, Says Agency Lacks Authority to Clarify Section 230

August 6, 2020 – Former Federal Communications Commissioner Mignon Clyburn said that the FCC does not have the authority to clarify Section 230, speaking in a wide-ranging Broadband Breakfast Live Online interview on Wednesday. The event, part of Broadband Breakfast’s “Champions of Broadband” series

Mignon Clyburn, Coy on Future Federal Communications Commission Role, Says Agency Lacks Authority to Clarify Section 230
Photo of Dish Network headquarters from the company

August 6, 2020 – Former Federal Communications Commissioner Mignon Clyburn said that the FCC does not have the authority to clarify Section 230, speaking in a wide-ranging Broadband Breakfast Live Online interview on Wednesday.

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