Montana Says It Has Launched First BEAD Grant Application Portal

Montana claimed to be the first state to launch its BEAD grant application portal.

Montana Says It Has Launched First BEAD Grant Application Portal
Screenshot of Director of the Montana Department of Administration Misty Ann Giles and Montana Governor Greg Gianforte used with permission.

WASHINGTON, August 14, 2024 – Montana launched its grant application portal Tuesday, claiming to be the first state in the nation to accept applications under the $42.45 billion Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment Program.

This move followed an August 1 announcement by Gov. Greg Gianforte that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration had given final approval to volume two of Montana’s initial program proposal. NTIA’s approval secured nearly $629 million to enhance high-speed internet access across the state.

Montana's proactive approach ensured that the application portal was ready to go live immediately after receiving NTIA approval.

“After Gov. Gianforte tasked the Montana Broadband Office with the goal of truly bridging the digital divide for all Montanans, we worked to ensure the BEAD application portal would be ready to open the moment we received NTIA approval,” said Misty Ann Giles, Director of the Department of Administration.

The grant application portal will remain open for 60 days, with the deadline for submissions set for October 15. The state strongly recommended that interested applicants submit a prequalification application to streamline the process and ensure eligibility before the final deadline.

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