Rhode Island Initiates CPF Request for Proposal
The money will connect an estimated 6,700 locations in the state with high-speed internet.
Taormina Falsitta

July 15, 2024 – ConnectRI issued a request for proposal for state broadband investments of $25 million to improve service to an estimated 6,7000 locations across Rhode Island on July 2.
This initiative is the first of three phases as part of the larger effort by ConnectRI to support all unserved and underserved addresses in the state. The money comes from the Capital Projects Fund and is intended to improve speed, resilience and affordability of the networks. Two additional RFPs will be released in the coming months to connect all remaining locations.
This investment enables Rhode Island “to lay the groundwork for a more prosperous and connected future that is crucial for our state’s economic vitality,” and will foster “innovation, enhance productivity, and attract business and development,” said the state’s Secretary of Commerce Liz Tanner.
ConnectRI said that “these investments are the culmination of nearly two years of thoughtful strategic and participatory planning, including the development of a Rhode Island Broadband & Digital Equity Strategic Plan and a Five-year Action Plan, as well as the creation of the Rhode Island Broadband Map.”
Rhode Island Commerce’s Board of Directors approved the spending for Capital Project funds on June 10th. The allocations of the fund are based on submitted proposals from the bid process.
The RFP submittal deadline is August 1. ConnectRI will accept questions and comments through July 16.
The CPF is a federal grant program designed to fund essential capital projects facilitating remote work, education, and health monitoring. These projects are made possible through directives established in the American Rescue Plan Act in response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.