States Must Review ISP Capabilities When Awarding Federal Infrastructure Funds
‘[State] decision makers in this program need to be careful about who is the qualified and experienced provider.’

‘[State] decision makers in this program need to be careful about who is the qualified and experienced provider.’
WASHINGTON, June 14, 2022 – States should ensure telecoms trusted with billions in federal infrastructure funds can do the job before giving them the money, according to experts at an Information Technology and Innovation Foundation webinar on Tuesday.
“[State] decision makers in this program need to be careful about who is the qualified and experienced provider and who is going to be able to actually deliver,” said Alex Minard, state legislative counsel at the NCTA, Internet and Television Association.
State broadband offices should look at the ISP’s broadband deployment plans and company track records to determine whether the provider has sufficient capacity to complete the project, said Paul Garnett, CEO of the broadband consulting firm the Vernonburg Group.
An ISP’s customer base and experience in broadband deployment can help states determine whether to invest in the company, added Garnett.
Minard added that ISP’s that provide a matching fund demonstrate their desire to work with the state and follow-through with their commitments.
He added that states must consider the costs of the project in regard to available funds, the likelihood of sign-ups from community members, and who will run the cybersecurity of the network in the long term.
State partnerships with ISP’s have been said to be essential for broadband deployment.
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