Noah Tulsky: Shared Infrastructure Can Make 5G Work For Cities
Cities should prioritize competitive processes to select an open access neutral host infrastructure provider.
Charter Communications is the second-largest wireline broadband provider in the U.S., with 30,367,000 subscribers as of the end of Q2 in 2024.
Cities should prioritize competitive processes to select an open access neutral host infrastructure provider.
Bringing broadband to those who need it the most requires more than just government funding for network expansion.
Broadband money programs and a need for connectivity is driving capital into the space.
NCTA said the FCC should deny exclusive access to these buildings, but not exclusive wiring agreements.
Fed funding prioritizing trusted network supplies, Frontier sued for speed claims, Charter wants waiver on areas, Internet Explorer support ending.
Broadband Mapping and Data
March 11, 2021 – The Federal Communications Commission’s new “fabric” for mapping broadband service across America will not only help collect more accurate data, but also unify geocoding across the broadband industry, industry experts said during a Federal Communications Bar Association webinar Thur
February 3, 2021 – Charter Communication said it is planning to spend $5 billion on rural broadband, with support from the government through the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. Charter said that it will offer speeds starting at 200 Megabits per second (Mbps) download, and that their service will be
The Federal Communications Commission kicked off its C-Band auction on Tuesday, marking one of the first occasions in which the United States is auctioning off valuable midband spectrum for commercial use. In other countries the midband is well occupied by commercial players. Verizon is projected to
December 7, 2020 – The Federal Communications Commission on Monday announced that it had awarded $9.3 billion in broadband funds (PDF) for rural Americans, over 10 years, through the recently-concluded Rural Digital Opportunity Fund auction. About 5.2 million locations in rural America will now gain
Voters in Chicago and Denver have shown overwhelming support for local broadband projects. Roughly 90 percent of voters in Chicago approved a referendum question that asked: “Should the city of Chicago act to ensure that all the city’s community areas have access to broadband Internet?” This could a
November 8, 2020 — The future of the spectrum industry relies on engineers developing processes to squeeze the most out of each band of spectrum, said a panel of spectrum policy experts contributing to a Federal Communications Bar Association webinar on Thursday. “There is no new, greenfield spectru
September 5, 2020 — Local telecommunications officials involved in renewing local cable franchises criticized the consequences of the Federal Communications Commission’s ruling on the topic called the Section 621 order. The conversation among members of the National Association of Telecommunications
Brad Smith, president of Microsoft, called for closing the broadband gap during a Thursday Axios webinar on leadership and the future of broadband. “Even post-COVID, the importance of the broadband gap is not going abate one bit,” Smith said, “it will remain just as important to our future as it is
WASHINGTON, October 9, 2019 – Proposals to allocate C-Band spectrum to terrestrial wireless providers are getting close to action decision-making. However, questions remains about whether to conduct a public or private auction for the right to use mid-band frequencies, as well as how much spectrum
WASHINGTON, September 18, 2019 – Leaders from the telecom industry gathered on Wednesday for the commercial service launch of OnGo, the 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service. OnGo officials touted their offering as a new type of spectrum sharing that will bring more Americans online. Officials fr
Broadband Mapping and Data
The CBRS Alliance announced on Monday that the Federal Communications Commission has approved commercial deployment in the 3.5 GHz CBRS Band. Known as the “Innovation Band,” it is valued at $15.6 billion and opens the door to a huge market opportunity for operators, enterprises, industrial players,