Wisconsin GOP Cuts $750 Million from State Broadband Budget
Joint Finance Committee Republicans proposed delaying state broadband funding until after BEAD.

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Joint Finance Committee Republicans proposed delaying state broadband funding until after BEAD.
WASHINGTON, September 9, 2024 – Efforts to expand high-speed internet access in Wisconsin have hit a political roadblock, stalled by partisan infighting, according to Democratic Assembly members.
A budget proposal made by Gov. Tony Evers (D) seeking $750 million in state funding to supplement federal broadband dollars was removed during final stages from the state’s 2023-25 budget by Republican lawmakers on the Joint Finance Committee.
Rep. Mark Born, R-Beaver Dam, who co-chairs the Republican-led budget committee, justified the funding removal by noting Wisconsin was set to receive $1.1 billion in federal money to expand broadband through the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment program, Cap Times reported last Monday.
The Trump administration has been pushing out federal workers and attempting to freeze spending.
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