With Congress Debating Trillions, a Community Guide to Federal Broadband Funding
Muninetworks.org has put together a handy overview of broadband programs – current and pending.

Read up on Energy and Data Centers for the Data Center Summit on March 27
Muninetworks.org has put together a handy overview of broadband programs – current and pending.
September 30, 2021 – In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Congress and the Biden Administration passed two federal stimulus relief packages with historic levels of funding for programs devoted to advancing digital equity – the American Rescue Plan Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
'With fiber, you don’t have to worry about any of that.'
Senate Democrat wants answers on FCC investigations into Comcast, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, and PBS.
The company will hang on to its 40,000 towers.
Hensen submitted false invoices to the USDA