Broadband Breakfast on December 18, 2024 – The 12 Days of Broadband Top Stories
Join Broadband Breakfast's team of reporters and editors as we kick of the 12 Days of Broadband!

The broadband landscape in 2024 has been nothing short of transformative. From the appointment of a new FCC Chairman, the landmark overturn of the Chevron Doctrine, and the lapse of the popular Affordable Connectivity Program internet subsidy, this year has reshaped the industry against the backdrop of a historic election. Join Broadband Breakfast's team of reporters and editors for a dynamic discussion on the year's most pivotal topics in broadband, telecom, and technology policy. We will delve into the trends, decisions, and developments that defined 2024, offering insights into how these issues are impacting connectivity, innovation, and regulation across the country. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear directly from those covering the stories shaping the future of broadband.
See the 12 Days of Broadband:

- Ted Hearn, Managing Editor, Broadband Breakfast
- Ari Bertenthal, Reporter, Broadband Breakfast
- Jericho Casper, Reporter, Broadband Breakfast
- Jake Neenan, Reporter, Broadband Breakfast
- Drew Clark (moderator), CEO and Publisher, Broadband Breakfast

Ted Hearn is Managing Editor of Broadband Breakfast. He is also Editor and Publisher of Policyband, a website dedicated to comprehensive coverage of the broadband communications market.
Reporter Ari Bertenthal attended the University of California, Santa Barbara and studied sociology. He is passionate about the social impact of broadband internet access.
Reporter Jericho Casper graduated from the University of Virginia studying media policy. She grew up in Newport News in an area impacted by the digital divide and has a passion for universal access.
Reporter Jake Neenan, who covers broadband infrastructure and broadband funding, is a recent graduate of the Columbia Journalism School. Previously he reported on state prison conditions in New York.
Breakfast Media LLC CEO Drew Clark has led the Broadband Breakfast community since 2008. An early proponent of better broadband, better lives, he initially founded the Broadband Census crowdsourcing tool to collect and verify broadband data left unpublished by the Federal Communications Commission. As CEO and Publisher, Clark presides over the leading media community advocating for higher-capacity internet everywhere through topical, timely and intelligent coverage. Clark also served as head of the Partnership for a Connected Illinois, a state broadband initiative.