Fiber Finds Its Footing, Offering Future-Proof High Speeds

The COVID-19 pandemic provided the foundation case for why fiber’s symmetrical capabilities have became so central.

Fiber Finds Its Footing, Offering Future-Proof High Speeds
Illustration from Nexus-net

If 2022 was nothing else, it was the year in which symmetrical fiber became the hands-down unquestioned technology for broadband deployment.

Fiber isn’t exactly an immature technology: It’s been in widespread use for decades. But until the 21st century, fiber-to-the-home deployments weren’t very common in the United States. In part, this was because other technologies had a strong foothold, including co-axial cables used by cable television giants, legacy copper wiring for Digital Subscriber Lines first put in place by Ma Bell and her progeny, and various forms of wireless transmissions (both terrestrial and satellite).

The 12 Days of Broadband 2022 (click to open)

FTTH deployments, as they are sometimes called, grew slowly in the first decade of the century. Google Fiber sparked widespread enthusiasm with its “Think Big With a Gig” campaign in 2010. Over the next decade, more American internet subscribers began to associate a Gigabit per second (Gbps) of connectivity as the benchmark for a modern internet connection.

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