GOP 2024 Platform Talks Tech

New platform addresses cryptocurrency, AI, and more

GOP 2024 Platform Talks Tech
Photo by Pierre Borthiry

WASHINGTON, July 9, 2024 – The Republican’s Party’s 2024 platform, made public Monday ahead of next week’s convention in Milwaukee, includes a call to champion innovation in emerging tech industries.

The GOP party platform also pledged to roll back certain Democratic policies regulating cryptocurrency and Artificial Intelligence. It also pledged to support ‘Buy American and Hire American’ policies to support the middle class.

“Republicans will pave the way for future economic greatness by leading the world in emerging industries,” the GOP platform said.

The platform, approved by the Republican National Committee’s platform committee, is to serve as a policy roadmap in the event President Donald Trump is elected president in November.

In terms of specifics, the GOP platform vowed to reverse the "unlawful and un-American" crackdown on cryptocurrency under the Biden Administration, though it did not specify which policies will be reversed.

The GOP said it will work to ensure the public can have self-custody of digital assets, mine Bitcoin, and conduct transactions free from government surveillance. The platform also opposed the creation of a digital currency central bank.

With regard to AI, the GOP platform said it will overturn President Joe Biden’s AI executive order, which the document claimed has hindered innovation and imposed “radical left-wing ideas” on the industry.

In a 2023 Executive Order, Biden sought to prevent algorithmic discrimination, mitigate potential job replacement and protect user privacy.

“In its place, Republicans support AI development rooted in free speech and human flourishing,” the GOP platform said.

In support of Buy American Hire American policies, the GOP platform said it would support banning companies that outsource jobs from “doing business” with the federal government.

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