Innovation Scorecard – CEA

America is founded on choice, including the choice of where to live, innovate and prosper. Entrepreneurs and business owners in the U.S. have a choice when they decide to start new businesses ventures – 51 of them, really. Do they set up shop in a state with a strong talent pool, a favorable tax sys

America is founded on choice, including the choice of where to live, innovate and prosper. Entrepreneurs and business owners in the U.S. have a choice when they decide to start new businesses ventures – 51 of them, really. Do they set up shop in a state with a strong talent pool, a favorable tax system and a track record of encouraging small business, or do they surrender to the laws and regulatory structure of their home state?
The license to innovate, the flexibility to hire qualified workers in science and engineering, and freedom from burdensome taxes and regulatory structures are key factors for entrepreneurs and business owners deciding where to establish roots. But what makes a state a champion of business innovation?


The Consumer Electronic Association has come out with a scorecard of state innovation. Utah again ranks among the top states.

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