Sen. Cruz Tells FCC to Hit Pause on Regulation

Rosenworcel made the same request in 2020 after Biden won.

Sen. Cruz Tells FCC to Hit Pause on Regulation
Photo of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, campaigning on Nov. 4, 2024, from Facebook

WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 2024 - A key Republican Senator wants the Federal Communications Commission to slam the breaks on any potentially controversial actions until Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration.

“Between now and January 20, 2025, it is important to ensure the smoothest transition possible,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said in a Thursday letter to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. “Any controversial FCC action taken up or continued after November 5th will receive particular scrutiny.”

Cruz asserted that the FCC should limit itself to matters that are uncontroversial or require action under the law. Cruz noted that the request for the FCC to pause contentious rulemakings was not new. 

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