Since 2016, Social Media Misinformation Has Both Improved and Worsened, Say Panelists

WASHINGTON, January 28, 2020 – Are Americans better or worse off since the disinformation debacle on social media in the 2016 election year? The question is a tech-focused echo of the quadrennial refrain said by presidential candidates. It was asked by the moderator at a panel discussion of social m

Since 2016, Social Media Misinformation Has Both Improved and Worsened, Say Panelists
Photo of social media panelists at the State of the Net conference by Adrienne Patton

WASHINGTON, January 28, 2020 – Are Americans better or worse off since the disinformation debacle on social media in the 2016 election year? The question is a tech-focused echo of the quadrennial refrain said by presidential candidates. It was asked by the moderator at a panel discussion of social media and democracy at the State of the Net on Tuesday.

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