Social Media Both a Cause of and Solution to Epidemic of ‘Fake News,’ Say Panelists at AEI Event

WASHINGTON, October 22, 2019 – At an American Enterprise Institute event on Tuesday, members of the media said that social media has been both a cause and a solution to the apparent epidemic of “fake news” that has not been fact-checked. People have gravitated towards partisan politics due to the di

Social Media Both a Cause of and Solution to Epidemic of ‘Fake News,’ Say Panelists at AEI Event
Photo of Politifact Editor Angie Drobnic Holan by Ståle Grut from February 2017 used with permission.

WASHINGTON, October 22, 2019 – At an American Enterprise Institute event on Tuesday, members of the media said that social media has been both a cause and a solution to the apparent epidemic of “fake news” that has not been fact-checked.

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