USC, CETF Collaborate on Research for Broadband Affordability
Advisory panel includes leaders in broadband and a chief economist at the FCC.
What impact does high-speed internet have on people's lives?
Advisory panel includes leaders in broadband and a chief economist at the FCC.
A coalition of groups argue the Texas law violates the Constitution, US Telecom on investment and Connected Nation on impact.
The Broadband Connectivity Index uses multiple datasets to try to get a better understanding of well- and under-connected areas in the U.S.
A Mattey Consulting report finds broadband revenues can help sustain the fund used to connect rural and low-income Americans.
Broadband's Impact
Republicans threaten companies that comply with Democrats records request, Pew highlights the good in infrastructure bill, Connected Britain in person.
Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser urges a version of the Golden Rule: ‘What would someone else say?’
Join Sunne Wright McPeak at 12 Noon ET on Wednesday for a discussion about the push for digital equity.
Mountain Connect
Mountain Connect looks to determine if the industry still has the stomach for in-person interactions as infections rise.
Digital Equity Bill of Rights
Sunne Wright McPeak, President and CEO of the California Emerging Technology Fund, spearheads a national Digital Equity Bill of Rights
Broadband's Impact
For broadband success, argues esteemed broadband consultant Craig Settles, “tain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it”
The FBA doled out numerous awards during its first general session of the event.
Craig Settles describes the important role that community institutions have played in promoting connectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friday’s Gigabit Libraries Network conversation will feature Drew Clark of Broadband Breakfast and John Busby of BroadbandNow.
Huawei scoffs at FCC rip and replace, rural broadband bill moves in committee, franchise fees appeal, Calif. broadband bill integral.
Executive order would kickoff new antitrust and net neutrality regulations.
Broadband access can bring more gender equity in the workplace, experts say.