12 Days of Broadband
Going Into Year 3 Without FCC Spectrum Auction Authority
Hope for a single auction, but not blanket authority, materialized at the end of the year.
12 Days of Broadband
Hope for a single auction, but not blanket authority, materialized at the end of the year.
Digital Inclusion
The state is set to begin enforcing the law in 30 days.
Digital Inclusion
Legal experts also debated FCC's authority on net neutrality and Section 230 enforcement.
Chevron Doctrine
The Supreme Court ended the practice of deferring to agency interpretations of ambiguous law this summer.
Net Neutrality
FCC rules that went into effect before Aug. 1 are likely insulated from the act.
State broadband officials advocated for a flexible, tech-neutral approach to serving the hardest-to-reach locations.
The company is planning to retire most of its legacy networks by the end of 2029.
Rip and Replace
The defense bill would allow the FCC to borrow $3.08 billion from the U.S. Treasury within 90 days to finance rip and replace.
The TPI report warned against government overreach in content moderation.
Election 2024
Carr urged to focus on core issues like spectrum.
digital equity
Why digital equity broadband programs may still continue under the coming Trump administration.
The FCC chairwoman circulated an order mandating cybersecurity measures and an item that would seek comment on further steps.
Election 2024
Rosenworcel touched on the election, ACP, Brendan Carr, Chevron deference and space.
Rip and Replace
The FCC chairwoman told lawmakers half the participants reported being unable to finish work without more funding.
Brendan Carr
'We’ve been living under this cloud of censorship,' Carr said.
Election 2024
Carr’s first meeting as chairman will follow in February.