Mecklenburg Electric Coop Seeks Relief From CAF II Mess
EMPOWER says existing FCC financing rules could imperil its ability to affordably serve locations in three Virginia counties.
EMPOWER says existing FCC financing rules could imperil its ability to affordably serve locations in three Virginia counties.
U.S. airports achieved median Wi-Fi download speed between 50 and 100 Mbps.
Only the FCC's own speed test mobile application is currently functioning to submit mapping challenges for the 5G Fund.
Ookla announces new Speedtest Insights Analytics Tool to understand broadband data.
The pre-challenge modification permits the inclusion of speed test data gathered from phones and devices equipped with GPS chips.
The experts held split opinions regarding the impact of new consumer broadband labels mandated by the Federal Communications Commission.
The company said it was the best in industry for customer growth and is nationwide overall network leader in 5G networks.
The sheer magnitude of the overstatements in the FCC’s map makes the challenge process untenable.
Video conference platforms would need to follow Americans with Disabilities Act requirements under the Communications Act
Broadband Mapping and Data
Panel 2 video. Join the Broadband Breakfast Club to watch the full-length videos from Digital Infrastructure Investment.
Newly proposed legislation would add 7 months to the challenge process for states and other parties.
There is a perennial policy debate over why the digital divide exists and what to do about it.
Unlike geostationary satellites, LEOs offer a connection that can support real-time communication.
Vermont said 22 percent of its known locations don’t appear on the FCC map.
NTCA is concerned federal broadband funding in tribal areas may not be enough for long-term support.
US Cellular recommended the FCC conduct update the criteria of the 5G Fund in light of new funding sources.