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BEAD Grant Applications
States See Strong BEAD Participation as More Rounds Close
Virginia, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Maine wrapped up their first round of BEAD applications this week.

Texas May Return $1 Billion in BEAD Funding to Treasury
Comptroller Hegar might want to spend some of it on 'non-deployment' purposes

States Continue Fielding BEAD Applications
Missouri quickly opened a 'sub-round' seeking applications fro homes and businesses that didn't receive bids.

Even Though NTIA Approved Louisiana BEAD, Delay by NIST Keeps Shovels at Bay
Obscure National Institute of Standards and Technology agency has kept state from building broadband.

In Washington State’s First BEAD Round, 77% of Locations Receive Bids
Washington State has a $1.2 billion slice of federal broadband funding. The state's application funding window closed Jan. 31.

Arkansas’ First BEAD Round Covers 9% of Locations With Just 2% of Funds
Arkansas' first BEAD funds go to 18 providers to cover 7,000+ locations

Some Red States Don’t Want Too Much Satellite for BEAD
'We’re hoping the administration's change is not just ‘Let’s give it all to satellite, and then the problem’s over,' said Montana's broadband officer.

Texas Pushes to Eliminate BEAD Low-Cost Broadband Requirement
Texas broadband official urged senators to remove affordability mandates, and labor requirements.

Rep. Louis Riggs: BEAD's Groundhog Day Moment
No reputable provider is going to propose serving areas that do not make sense with fiber.

Arkansas’ First BEAD Round Sees 98% of Locations Receive Bids
With 96% of applications deemed competitive, Arkansas now moves into adjudication.

Louisiana Gov. Wants BEAD Flexibility, Keep Fiber Priority
The GOP governor's state, the first to get funding, wants easier funding for satellite and wireless.

Maine Announces Updates to Starlink, BEAD Programs
State has received just under 200 applications for LEO project in the first month

FCC’s Broadband Mapping Fabric Will Now Drive Other Agency Programs
FCC’s new mapping fabric will drive Rural Digital Opportunity Fund 'true-up'.

NTIA Approves Nevada’s $416 Million in BEAD Money
New Street's Levin doesn't expect the Trump administration to put the program on hold.

Colorado Hoping to Up Participation in BEAD Round Two
The state is instituting a higher low-cost plan and more flexible project areas.

New Hampshire’s $90 Million Broadband Build Passes Halfway Mark
More than 58% of unserved and underserved households now have access to high-speed fiber.

Delaware Gets Its $107 Million in BEAD Cash
It became the second state to get necessary NTIA approval, one day after Louisiana reached the milestone.

NTIA Approves Louisiana Final BEAD Proposal
It's the first state to reach the deployment stage of the $42.5 billion program.

Louisiana Planning on Final BEAD Approval 'Any Day Now'
It's the final step before projects can get underway.

Arkansas, Arizona, New Hampshire Open for BEAD Apps
At least 20 states have reached the milestone.

Fiber a Big Winner in Nevada's BEAD Awards
The state is set to get fiber to more than 80 percent of its eligible homes and businesses.

New York Open for BEAD Applications
It's at least the sixteenth state to start taking grant proposals under the $42.5 billion program.

Maine, New Mexico Want Starlink Part of the Mix: Balancing Trade-Offs and Concerns
Some of these locations may require $100,000 for a terrestrial wireline connection.
Delaware Unveils BEAD Spending Plan
Republicans in Congrass have called for changes to the program when Trump takes office.

How Louisiana Solved the BEAD Rubik’s Cube
Louisiana appears to have achieved the BEAD program’s objective for hundreds of millions of dollars less in subsidy costs than was budgeted.

Georgia Opens BEAD Application Window
State to receive $1.3 billion in BEAD funds

Minnesota Providers Not Participating in BEAD Program
Telecom alliance struggles to gauge members' waiver needs and overall interest.

Pennsylvania Announces First Round of BEAD Applications
State to receive more than $1.16 billion in federal broadband funding

Idaho Publishes BEAD Application Project Areas
Comments will be accepted through Dec. 19, 2024.

Louisiana First State to Release Its Final Plans for BEAD
The state will serve all its eligible locations, with 95 percent set to receive fiber.

Washington Opens BEAD Application Window
Washington state to receive $1.2 billion in BEAD funds.

West Virginia Extends BEAD Application Window
State is set to receive more than $1.2 billion in BEAD funds

South Carolina to Open BEAD Pre-Qualification Phase
State is set to receive more than $550 million from BEAD

Map Released for Missouri’s Potential BEAD Service Areas
The map will help providers better understand BEAD service obligations

Colorado Warns: One Week Left to Apply for BEAD Funds
Application window for BEAD will close Oct. 28

Wyoming Opens BEAD Grant Application Window
The BEAD application window will close Dec. 5, 2024

Missouri to Begin Accepting BEAD Applications
The application window will open Nov. 15

California Official Offers Update on BEAD Implementation
CPUC official said California is working well with NTIA.

California Plan to Award $1.8 Billion in BEAD Funds Approved
CPUC also awarded $172 million to get fiber to 56,000 locations.

Kansas Set to Open BEAD Grant Application Window for Internet Expansion
With $451.7 million from BEAD, the state expects to reach all unserved and underserved areas.

Illinois to Launch Next Phases of Connect Illinois, Waits on NTIA
Illinois says that the Connect Illinois program is the largest state broadband funding program in the U.S.

Vermont Seeking Feedback on BEAD Draft Plan
The state has requested responses by Oct. 8

BEAD Proposals Approved for North Dakota, Idaho, and American Samoa
The BEAD has $42.45 billion to advance broadband in the U.S.

NTIA Approves Nebraska’s Access to BEAD Funds
Cornhusker state slated to receive about $400 million for broadband
North Carolina Launches Program to Prequalify BEAD Awards
Pre-qualification is strongly encouraged, and is designed to streamline the application process for BEAD.

Wyoming Fourth State Heading Towards BEAD Project Funding
The state’s BEAD application process is expected to become available by late October.
West Virginia Opens BEAD Grant Application Window
The state will accept applications for 60 days.

Louisiana Accepting Applications for BEAD Grants
The first application round will close August 29, with a final second round to follow.

Data Centers and the Environment
These vast, climate-controlled facilities, housing thousands of servers, support cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and data-driven decision-making.

Montana Says It Has Launched First BEAD Grant Application Portal
Montana claimed to be the first state to launch its BEAD grant application portal.

Chart of Fixed Wireless Access Subscribers
Braodband Breakfast is tracking fixed wireless access subscriptions.

Chart of Wireline Broadband Subscribers
Braodband Breakfast is tracking wireline broadband subscriptions.

Chart of Wireline Broadband Subscribers By Technology
Braodband Breakfast is tracking wireline broadband subscribers by technology.

Cryptographic technologies and blockchain ledgers are driving a new era of decentralized finance.

As data centers proliferate, Nuclear Energy is potentially ready for a revival.
American Energy
American energy production has increased substantially over the past few years.

The rapid rise of cloud computing and artificial intelligence has placed an unprecedented strain on America’s energy grid.

Fiber-optic technology is the gold standard for home or commercial broadband, and powers wireless connectivity, too.

Mobile communication has become a central part internet connectivity.
The internet has the potential to impact, and also to enhance, society's democratization.

Section 230
Section 230 is sometimes called the 26 words that created the internet.
Smart Cities
Cities of the future rely on high-speed internet access and advanced fiber and wireless connectivity.
The entire concept of privacy has been transformed by broadband and the internet.
Advanced Energy
The infrastructure necessary for advanced energy also powers the infrastructure necessary for high-speed internet.
Autonomous Vehicles
Self-driving cars are one of many advances to come for smart cities and communities.
Drones and airborne transportation are one of many advances to come for smart cities and communities.
Antitrust has been re-invigorated by concern over the power of big technology, media and telecom companies.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is poised to transform humans' relationship with technology, and each other.
Social Media
Social media plays a powerful force in the lives of most adults and teenagers.

Free Speech
Debates about the role of free speech have been transformed by broadband internet services.

Semiconductors are the world’s new oil.
Whether licensed, unlicensed or shared, radio frequency spectrum is the critical resource for wireless communication.
Wireless Internet Service Providers play an important role in delivery of fixed wireless broadband.
Net Neutrality
Whether broadband providers may prioritize delivery of bits by the entities they own is a divisive topic.
Open Access
Open Access networks separate network operations from internet services. Ownership may also be separate from operations.
The pandemic has prompted a new era of funding for broadband infrastructure.
Because Rural America is often the least-connected region in the country, ensuring coverage is central to BEAD.
Wireless technologies are critical for mobile communications, and for being able to reach remote locations.
Satellite broadband remains an option those areas beyond the reach of fiber, terrestrial or mobile wireless.
Universal Service
The Universal Service Fund, codified in 1996 with the Telecommunications Act, remains the foundation of universal access.
Data Center
Data Centers and Cloud Computing rely upon robust and high-speed upload and download internet speeds.

Tribal leaders say the federal government has failed to uphold its trust responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of Native American tribes.
The 5G wireless standard promises breakthrough in capacity, speed and dynamic spectrum-sharing capabilities.

Broadband Mapping and Data
Accurate broadband mapping and data has been central to America's broadband buildout.

Digital Inclusion
We need humans to make digital inclusion work.

Technology, particularly broadband access and adoption, plays a vital role in K-12 and secondary education.

The innovations of telehealth and mobile health care has transformed medicine and health care.

Public Safety
Ensuring that emergency communications are enabled with broadband is the next frontier in public safety.
Broadband internet service allows many people to work from almost anywhere.
Digital locks and keys are necessary, but not sufficient, to ensure cybersecurity.

The scourge of robocalls is making America's once-vaunted telephone network less trustworthy.

The BEAD program is implemented by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the U.S. Commerce Department.

Community Broadband
The last three years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of communities building publicly-owned, locally controlled infrastructure.