Lawyers Backing FCC Cautiously Optimistic Ahead of Supreme Court USF Case Showdown
Telecom companies, public interest groups, and both the Biden and Trump administrations are united in the fight over the FCC’s Universal Service Fund.

Missouri Wants FCC to Return $177 Million in Defaulted Grants
More than 85,000 locations meant to be served by the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund remain without service.

Pew: States Should Collect Data on Utility Poles
The data could inform policy decisions where the FCC doesn't regulate poles, the group said.

USF Opponents Attacking ‘a Strawman’: Trump Administration
The Supreme Court is set to hear arguments on whether the fund is constitutional March 26.

FCC to Increase Universal Service Contribution Factor to 36.6 Percent
New contribution factor will apply in the second quarter of 2025

Still a Long Road for Universal Service Reform, Panelists Say
The fund's constitutionality is being challenged at the Supreme Court, and lawmakers are looking for new revenue source besides voice.
Commissioner Anna Gomez Urges FCC to Lead USF Talks
'This is an opportunity for the FCC to strengthen the [Universal Service Fund],' Gomez said.

House Aides: USF Court Case Puts Millions at Risk
Congress needs to be ready for a ruling against USF, memo says.

Telecom Industry Launches Coalition to Push Congress on USF Fix
The groups called on Congress to preserve USF’s funding structure ahead of Supreme Court ruling.

House Commerce Republicans Reject Efforts to Expand Broadband Affordability
Democrats also sought to scrutinize FCC's recent investigations of broadcast television networks.

SCOTUS: False Claims Act Applies to E-Rate
But the justices didn't rule on the question of whether all E-Rate funds are government cash.

AT&T Copper Retirement Plan Would Undercut Universal Service, CWA Warns
The telecom giant will not offer fiber to many copper customers, potentially jeopardizing broadband access.

GOP Attorneys General Urge Supreme Court Against USF
More than a dozen conservative legal groups filed briefs pushing to expand the nondelegation doctrine.

Policy Experts Consider Future of the Universal Service Fund
Panelists also discussed BEAD at Technology Policy Institute event

Massachusetts Low-Income Broadband Bill Gets Pushback
Bill would cap amount low-income households can pay for Internet.

Affordable Connectivity Program's End Spurs State-Level Action on Broadband
States are exploring new approaches to maintain broadband affordability for low-income households.

Universal Service Fund a ‘Nightmare’, Says Litigation Foe
The Supreme Court is set to decide whether the $8 billion-per-year fund is constitutional.

Supreme Court Argument on Universal Service on March 26
The Supreme Court is reviewing a ruling that found the $8 billion-per-year program's funding scheme unconstitutional.

Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition Defends Universal Service
Beyond legal battles, SHLB will push for swift broadband expansion and sustainable digital opportunity efforts

Kids Off Social Media Act Divides Lawmakers on Senate Commerce Committee
Other bipartisan measures related to broadband expansion, supply chain resilience, and emergency communications.

NTIA Nominee Roth Has Big Issues with BEAD
Incoming NTIA chief Arielle Roth would abolish fiber preference, low-cost mandates.

Commerce Committee to Hold Vote on Nominee Lutnick
Executive session will include vote on Capito USF bill.
Former FCC Commissioner O’Rielly Working on USF ‘Patch’
Supreme Court to rule later this year if USF's funding mechanism is unconstitutional.

USTelecom CEO to Trump: Copper Networks Looking for Parts on eBay
Spalter wants Big Tech to support USF and seeks end to permitting delays.

Experts Predict BEAD, USF Reforms in 2025
Broadband experts McDowell, Olsen predict BEAD, USF reforms under Trump.

Think Tank Analysts Outline Pro-Growth Broadband Reforms
Competitive Enterprise Institute team calls for FCC auction authority renewal, USF funding overhaul, and NTIA bureaucratic reform.
Lawmakers, Past FCC Leaders Urge Supreme Court to Uphold USF
In all, 29 lawmakers and eight former FCC commissioners signed the briefs.

FCC Names Participants in Cybersecurity Pilot Program for Schools and Libraries
The program will provide $200 million to strengthen cybersecurity systems for schools and libraries.

ITIF Plan Would Drain Billions from USF to Fund New ACP
Group says the country needs to elevate affordability over availability

Broadband Industry, Advocates Defend USF to High Court
They said the underlying statute should survive even if SCOTUS expands the non-delegation doctrine.

Solicitor General Defends Universal Service Fund at High Court
The administration argued the law standing up the $8 billion fund didn't run afoul of the non-delegation doctrine.

Rosenworcel Appoints Eight to Serve on USAC Board
Board members will provide leadership at a time of possible reform.

NTCA Report Finds Middle Mile Costs Dropping for Rural Providers
High last-mile deployment costs, permitting delays, and inflationary pressures continue to hamper rural broadband expansion.

Loper Bright, A Court Ruling That Changes How D.C. Operates
Loper Bright sets the stage for a Republican-led overhaul of broadband and telecom policy in 2025.

A Year of Challenges for the Universal Service Fund
In 2024, USF encountered widespread calls for reforms to ensure its sustainability and effectiveness.

Mark Vasconi: BEAD Shouldn’t Bet on Forever Subsidies
BEAD money is start-up capital and not designed to provide on-going support for long-term operating expenses.

Public Interest Groups Want T-Mobile-UScellular Merger Blocked
Advocates called for strict conditions if the merger proceeds.

USF Contribution Factor to be 36.3% in January
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case challenging the $8 billion fund's legality.

Levin: Broadband Affordability Should Be Republican Priority
Analyst likened the ACP to other essential government programs like SNAP and Medicaid.

USF Contribution Factor Expected to Rise to 37.4 Percent
Analyst Blair Levin said that policymakers unlikely to intervene.

Senate Passes Bill to Ease SEC Reporting Rules on Rural Providers
Bill simplifies SEC reporting for providers with High-Cost support and assets under $10 million.

EducationSuperHighway Unveils New ACP Approach
Proposal relies on Universal Service Fund amid Supreme Court scrutiny.

Rosenworcel: 30 Providers Completed 'Rip and Replace', More Funding Still Needed
The FCC chairwoman told lawmakers half the participants reported being unable to finish work without more funding.

Incoming FCC Chairman Carr Takes Aim at Censorship, Infrastructure
'We’ve been living under this cloud of censorship,' Carr said.

High Court Watcher: SCOTUS Might Not Want to Upend Universal Service
The high court agreed Friday to review a decision finding the $8 billion-per-year broadband subsidy unconstitutional.

Supreme Court to Decide Fate of $8 Billion Broadband Fund
The outcome could affect millions who depend on the USF for affordable communication services.

Policy Priorities for a Changing Guard at the FCC
Whether a second Trump administration will seize the moment to reset telecom policy is unknown, but the time for action is now.

Ajit Pai: Congress Should Fund the USF
Congress would have to act in order for tech companies to be assessed, said Pai

Levin: Elon Musk’s Growing Power Over U.S. Telecom Policy
Musk’s influence could drive changes to BEAD, spectrum policy, and the Universal Service Fund

Senate Majority Leader Thune Expected to Prioritize Spectrum
Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., would likely rein in Sen. Ted Cruz on USF, experts said.

Rep. Latta Eying Energy and Commerce Chair
The Ohio Republican currently heads communications and technology subcommittee.

Cruz Wins Texas: Likely Senate Commerce Chair Supports Appropriations for USF
The GOP is not entirely in agreement on the issue, with some wanting to tap big tech revenue instead.

SHLB: FCC Should Not Cap Wi-Fi Hotspot Lending Periods
Schools and libraries should be able to style their lending practices, coalition says

FCC Defends Bus Wi-Fi Before 5th Circuit
The court weighed whether a school bus can be considered a classroom under the E-Rate program’s guidelines.

High Court Skeptical of Shielding USF from False Claims Act
Justices appeared receptive to a narrow ruling in the government's favor.

Conservative Groups Oppose Broadband Taxes on ISPs, Agreeing with Rosenworcel
USF fees could increase monthly bills by more than $17

If Trump Won, What Would Carr Do as FCC Chairman?
The agency's senior Republican outlined policy priorities in his Project 2025 chapter.

Policy Analyst: Expand USF to Include Edge Providers
Roslyn Layton calls for including digital services in USF funding to relieve burden on telecom consumers.

AT&T and Feds Disagree on Whether Government ‘Provides’ USF Money
The company wants SCOTUS to find the fund isn't covered by the False Claims Act.

SHLB Endorses Representatives for USAC
Organization cited a wealth of experience shared by the two nominees

To Withstand Emergencies Like Helene, Broadband Policies Need to Last
Going forward, we could mitigate risks by designing our networks with resiliency in mind.

Former Pai Aide: USF ‘Top Issue’ Post-Election
Legal challenges put USF and FCC powers at risk.

GOP Attorneys General Ask Supreme Court to Take USF Case
They want justices to find the Universal Service Fund unconstitutional.

New Study Proposes Funding Reforms for ACP
The Affordable Connectivity Program should change the income-eligibility threshold to 135% of the federal poverty line, says report.

Analysts Ponder Telecom Policy Moves Under Harris or Trump
The Nov. 5 election could bring significant changes to the FCC

ISPs, Consumer Groups Ask Supreme Court to Preserve USF
The FCC separately asked SCOTUS to intervene earlier this month.

Adelstein: Markets Upbeat About Fiber’s Future
Implementation of federal funding is being watched by investors.

Supreme Court Could Use USF Case to Cut Agency Power: Consumers' Research Lawyer
The litigious conservative nonprofit challenging the Universal Service Fund says its case could make it harder for Congress to delegate duties.

Policy Experts Note Importance of FCC Regulatory Authority
Panel discussed USF, ACP, and Net Neutrality

FCC’s Gomez Disappointed by Fifth Circuit's USF Decision
Regulator concerned decision could delay closing the digital divide.

Midco Says it Should Keep Unsubsidized Competitor Status
Adjacent providers say they had subsidy awards reduced because of a misclassification.

Consumers’ Research Likes Its Odds Against USF at Supreme Court
The group did not oppose the FCC's petition for the court to review its controversial lawsuit.

Assess Online Gambling to Fund USF, Levin, Horrigan Say
The move wouldn't raise prices for consumers, the two said.

Feds Ask Supreme Court to Preserve Universal Service Fund
FCC and Justice Department want the Fifth Circuit's July ruling, which found the $8-billion annual fund unconstitutional, overruled.

Senate Passes Capito’s Rural Broadband Protection Bill
The legislation requires thorough vetting of participants in FCC’s high-cost programs
More ISPs Say Midco Misclassification Cost Them Subsidy Support
They say Midco doesn't offer voice service in their areas.

Address the 'Torpedoes in the Water' Against USF, Says Carr
The FCC's senior Republican said he worried SCOTUS would find arguments against the fund appealing.

Molaks Urge Fifth Circuit Not to Dismiss E-Rate Hotspot Case
The FCC moved to throw out the case, involving cyberbullying, earlier this month.
FCC Approves TDS-RiverStreet Sales
The FCC said the deal will not remove competition from the market

FCC to Increase Q4 Universal Service Fund Contribution Fee
The contribution factor will be raised from 34.4 percent to 35.8 percent

Rep. Latta: USF Working Group Still not in Agreement After Fifth Circuit Ruling
The group has been working to modernize the fund for more than a year.

How Would Telecom Policy Change Under Trump or Harris?
Two right-leading panelists agreed that federal agencies must better measure success for the Universal Service Fund.

Debate Cheat Sheet on the Parties on Telecom and Tech
The world is watching America’s presidential election November 5, and tonight’s debate may be the only face-off.

NTCA Survey Underscores Risks of Lost USF Support
A Fifth Circuit Court decision threatens funding of the $8.1 billion subsidy program

Texas Couple Challenges FCC’s Wi-Fi Hotspots Order in Fifth Circuit
The Molaks also have a petition for reconsideration pending before the FCC.

Telecom Analysts Urge Congress to Fund the USF Annually
Current USF funding system is not only regressive but also wastes money, say Scott Wallsten and Greg Rosston.
FCC Seeking Nominations for Eight USAC Board Seats
Nominations are due at the agency by October 28.

Fifth Circuit Pauses USF Decision While FCC Plans Appeal
The agency said it's planning to petition the Supreme Court by Sept. 30.

Cruz Critical of Broadband Subsidy Administrator After Audit
The Government Accountability Office found the program management 'consistent with selected FCC requirements.'

Data Centers and the Environment
These vast, climate-controlled facilities, housing thousands of servers, support cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and data-driven decision-making.

FCC Opens Review of Arvig, BEVCOMM Broadband Support Claims
The Minnesota companies said a local competitor does not offer voice service.

AT&T to SCOTUS: E-Rate Reimbursements Shielded from False Claims Act
The law requires high financial penalties for defrauding the government out of money.

Court Pauses Challenge to FCC’s USF Forbearance Policy
Consumer groups are trying to resolve the issue with the agency directly.

Consumer Groups Looking to Pause Narrow Legal Challenge to Net Neutrality
Public interest groups want a pause in their legal challenge to a key USF funding decision by the FCC

Consumers’ Research Asks Supreme Court to Review USF Challenges
A recent Fifth Circuit decision conflicts with other federal court rulings, making a Supreme Court review likely.

How to Fund Universal Broadband Service Without the Universal Service Fund
The Fifth Circuit's decision declaring the Universal Service Fund unconstitutional is an upheaval, but also an opportunity.

USF Not Immediately Impacted by Fifth Circuit Ruling: FCC Official
The court ruled the fund's contribution scheme unconstitutional last week.

Broadband Industry, Advocates Uneasy about Fifth Circuit USF Ruling
The court held yesterday that the $8 billion subsidy program was unconstitutional.

Experts Call for USF Update
Experts tout USF as outdated as Fifth Circuit rules it unconstitutional.

Fifth Circuit Rules USF Unconstitutional
The decision creates a split with other circuits, making an appeal to the Supreme Court likely.

Possible Harris VP Choice Wants Big Tech and ISPs to Support Rural Fund
Democratic Senator from Arizona wants to lower the cost of high-speed internet for consumers and rural providers.
FCC Approves E-Rate for Wi-Fi Hotspots
Like another E-Rate expansion last year, the order passed along party lines.

Armstrong to Pay $6.5 Million for Overcharging FCC Subsidy Fund
The Justice Department said Armstrong failed to 'comply with FCC regulations that governed what costs they were allowed to report for purposes of claiming subsidy payments ..."
Affordable Broadband Campaign Launches Website
The website will serve as a launching point for the group's advocacy measures.

NTCA CEO Calls for USF Reform
‘The USF contribution mechanism is sadly really outdated and needs to be repaired,’ NTCA CEO says

USTelecom Wants Big Tech to Fund Low-Income Broadband Plans
'A permanent, fully funded solution to the ACP is essential for a competitive marketplace,' USTelecom says.

Rosenworcel Defends FCC Policies at Budget Hearing
GOP lawmakers and commissioners aired grievances with several agency actions.

TruConnect Gets ETC Certification In Iowa in Four Months
The company’s affiliate has been waiting 11 years for the same approval from the FCC.

Broadband Breakfast on July 24, 2024 - Reforming the Universal Service Fund
The program has seen recent decline in the contribution base and a significant shift to broadband connections.

FCC Seeks Comment on TDS-RiverStreet Deal
The first round of public comments is due on July 17 .
Rip-and-Replace Continues to Feel Funding Shortfall, FCC Says
Just 14 companies have finished replacing gear from Huawei and ZTE.

TDS Telecom Requests FCC Approval of ILEC Ownership Transfer
The companies told the FCC that the transaction will serve the public interest.

AT&T CEO: Big Tech Should Pay Its Fair Share
‘Why shouldn’t [Big Tech] participate in ensuring affordable and equitable access to the services of today?’ AT&T says

Chamber of Commerce Joins ISPs in Pushing Sixth Circuit to Hear Net Neutrality Case
The FCC wants the case moved to the D.C. Circuit, which has previously ruled in the agency's favor on net neutrality.

DOJ and FCC Defend Digital Discrimination Rules to Eighth Circuit
Industry groups sued to block the rules in February. Oral arguments are set for late September.

Groups Pressure FCC to Make ISPs Pay For Universal Service
The groups want the FCC to reconsider its April decision to exempt broadband ISPs from helping sustain the USF.

AT&T: Big Tech Needs to Help Fund the USF
USF contribution base should include tech companies, AT&T says

Supreme Court will Review E-Rate False Claims Act Case
An AT&T subsidiary argues it should not be subject to higher penalties for false remibursement claims.

FCC Moves to End USF Litigation
Consumers’ Research lost in the Sixth Circuit and lost in the Eleventh Circuit. Last Monday, the Supreme Court declined to review those decisions.
TruConnect Asking FCC to Approve Lifeline Certification
The company says it could transition former ACP subscribers to other subsidized plans.

FCC Increases Universal Service Fund Contribution Fee for Q3
The contribution factor will go up to 34.4 percent from 32.8 percent.

Vernonburg Group Calls for Urgent Universal Service Overhaul
Trade groups join a push to use USF to fund affordable connectivity efforts.

Supreme Court Will Not Review Legality of FCC's Universal Service Fund
A conservative advocacy group has been challenging the $8 billion fund in court.

Carolina West Wireless Wants More USF Support
The company said it may have to shut down money-losing cell towers.

FCC Seeks To Help Schools, Libraries Defend Against Cyber Threats
A proposed $200 million pilot program was approved by a 3-2 vote
FCC Likely to Approve Cybersecurity Funding for Schools and Libraries
Industry advocates want clarification as the FCC moves ahead with cybersecurity funding for educational institutions

Frontier Expecting Minor Impact from ACP Sunset Later this Year
ACP participants make up 4% of the company's nearly 3 million broadband subscribers.

INCOMPAS Wants FCC to Hit Pause on 5G Fund
The group seeks a multiyear delay for the FCC to await the results of the $42.45 billion BEAD program.

Senate Commerce Committee Set to Vote on Short-Term ACP Funding
The Spectrum and National Security Act would infuse the program with $7 billion.

FCC’s Net Neutrality Rules Come With a Few Tweaks
A decision to forbear from applying Title II’s rate regulation provisions would preempt New York’s law, argues one scholar.

FCC Urges Supreme Court Not to Review USF Challenges
A conservative nonprofit argued the Fifth Circuit is likely to create conflicting precedent.

Senators Propose FAA Reauthorization Amendment to Fund ACP
The last of the low-income internet subsidy's cash is set to run out this month.

Federal Inaction on ACP Spurs State-led Broadband Subsidies
As federal ACP support wanes, state broadband subsidy solutions in New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia offer innovative solutions to maintain connectivity.

GOP Leaders Remain Skeptical Amid Push for ACP Funding
Sen. Ben Ray Luján signaled his USF working group is looking to fold ACP into the fund.

Fetterman Introduces Long-Term Universal Service Funding Bill
As full funding for Affordable Connectivity Program expires, FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel issues letter to lawmakers.

Democratic Lawmakers Show Support for FCC Title II Proposal
The agency is set to vote on the measure next week.

The Battle Over the Future of USF Funding Rages On
INCOMPAS and CCIA side with Affordable Broadband Campaign, and against Rosenworcel, on simmering battle over USF.

Big ISPs Want FCC To Block State USF Mandates
At issue now is whether the FCC has left the door open for states to require them to contribute to state USF programs.

More than 250 Groups Urge Lawmakers to Sign ACP Discharge Petition
The measure would force a House vote without the blessing of Speaker Mike Johnson.

Rep. Clarke Moves to Force Vote on ACP Funding Bill
A majority of the House would need to sign on to the discharge petition.

FCC Announces Reduced ACP Support Amounts for May
Benefits will fall to $14 for low-income households and $30 for those on Tribal lands in the last month of funding.

If ACP Goes Away, Wireless Carrier Wants Jump in Lifeline Support for Tribal Areas
Smith Bagley, Inc., is asking the FCC to provide more money to the Tribal Lifeline benefit.

Coalition to Reform USF Raises Alarm About FCC Exempting Broadband Providers
Thursday's draft net neutrality order excuses broadband internet service providers from contributions.

Biden Administration and FCC Push on ACP as Funding Dwindles
The program will be fully exhausted at the end of May.

Rural Broadband ISPs Want Exemption From Digital Discrimination Reporting
Broadband ISP trade associations from 15 states are seeking a broad exemption from pending federal regulations.

USDA's ReConnect Program Accepting Applications
The fifth round of funding makes $700 million available for rural broadband.

Broadband Industry Groups Urge Caution on Using Fabric Data for High-Cost Compliance
Commenters noted that the fabric is iterative, and changes to the data could cause confusion.

House Passes Funding Minibus Excluding ACP, Rip-and-Replace
The House of Representatives passed a $1.1 trillion spending package Friday morning which omits funding for key broadband initiatives.

Wisconsin Committee Advances Bill for State Tax Exemption on Broadband Grants
A similar bill seeking to exempt BEAD from state income taxes recently received near unanimous approval in the Georgia House.

Cruz Wants Congressional Appropriations to Fund Universal Service
FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel has argued that appropriations make the USF less stable.

New FCC Broadband Standards Should Consider Latency
The FCC sought public input in November on including latency metrics in reporting requirements.

Rural Wireless Association Wants Changes to FCC's 5G Fund
The association wants certain USF-eligible areas excluded from an upcoming reverse auction.

Dish Wireless Seeks FCC Help With Affordable Connectivity Transition
The company needs to be designed as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier to promote the Lifeline option, it said.

FCC Chair Opposes Including Broadband Providers in Universal Service Fund
Including broadband providers in the USF would likely cost consumers more, Rosenworcel said.

Universal Service Administrative Company Updates Connect America Fund Map
Providers reported progress on rebuilding and expanding networks in Puerto Rico.

Consumers' Research Asks for Supreme Court Review of Eleventh Circuit USF Ruling
The group thinks the Fifth Circuit is poised to issue a conflicting decision.

Eleventh Circuit Rules in Favor of USF Constitutionality
The Fifth Circuit is rehearing a similar case filed by the same conservative nonprofit.

Experts Still Disagree on FCC’s New Digital Discrimination Rules
The FCC rules have drawn strong pushback from industry groups and praise from Democratic leadership.

New Senate Bill Would Tap Broadband and Tech Companies for USF Funds
The fund spends $8 billion annually to subsidize networks.

Ryan Johnston: What Happens to BEAD Without the Affordable Connectivity Program?
We’d be building broadband to no one without the ACP. The ACP extends every BEAD dollar further.

FCC Cybersecurity Pilot Program, YouTube AI Regulations, Infrastructure Act Anniversary
The FCC has proposed a pilot program to help schools and libraries protect against cyberattacks.

FCC Approves Strong Digital Discrimination Rules
The FCC also approved support for domestic abuse victims, inquiry on AI and robocalls and preventing cell phone scams.

New DISH CEO Hamid Akhavan, Data Submission on Affordable Connectivity Program
Hamid Akhavan is to be the CEO and president of DISH Network and Echostar following the finalization of their merger.

‘It Was Graft’: How the FCC’s CAF II Program Became a Money Sink
Of $10 billion spent through 2021, 93 percent of households received only 10 * 1 Mbps service.

Coalition Wants Funds for Rip and Replace, Advertising Universal Service, Washington State Broadband
A coalition of telecom associations are urging Congress to appropriate money to fund the Rip and Replace program.

Tribal Providers Say They Rely on ACP to Connect Communities
The fund is set to run dry in 2024.

FCC Votes on E-Rate, 6 GHZ and Emergency Alerts at October Meeting
The commission took action on expanding E-Rate, maternal health data, and opening the 6 GHz band.

Some Question Whether to Link Affordable Connectivity With Universal Service
Policy experts were not all in agreement on whether to wrap ACP into the Universal Service Fund.

Conservative Group Files Another Legal Challenge to Universal Service Fund
The Sixth Circuit struck down another similar petition from Consumers’ Research.

FCC Inspector General Suspects Providers of Improperly Taking Subsidies
The agency’s Office of the Inspector General said providers were still paid for un-enrolled subscribers.

Experts Suggest Measures to Protect Affordable Connectivity Program at Senate Hearing
Under consideration: Opening the Universal Service Fund to contributions from broadband and Big Tech companies.

Federal Broadband Subsidies Essential for Long-Term BEAD Success: Experts
It’s not just about building networks, but providing affordability through programs like the ACP.

Michigan Island Asks FCC to Require Fiber for Some Carriers
Missing out on BEAD-funded fiber could ‘materially impair’ the Beaver Island’s ability to compete, a local committee argued.

Tech Trade Group Report Argues for USF Funding from Broadband Companies
Consulting firm Brattle Group said in a report the move would be economically sound.

Rural Providers Urge FCC to Verify Unsubsidized Coverage Ahead of Enhanced ACAM Awards
The FCC’s challenge process is insufficient to allocate Enhanced ACAM funds, the Rural Broadband Association said.

Cost Model Funds Announced, FCC to Tighten Robocall Rules, X to Collect Biometric Data
E-ACAM offers more funds and extended deployment deadlines for higher speeds.

Telecoms and Tech Giants Disagree on Where to Find More Universal Service Funds
The USF is facing dwindling funds and pending court challenges.

FCC Adopts Proposal to Increase E-rate Program Funding for Tribes Reliant on School Libraries
The FCC broadened the E-rate eligibility to tribal colleges used as public libraries.

Fifth Circuit to Rehear Petition Challenging FCC Jurisdiction on Universal Service Fund
A rehearing of the case means that the full court will reconsider the case and the previous ruling is vacated.

USF Should Extend Digital Equity Efforts Beyond Current Federal Investments
The USF needs to first be reformed for its own sustainability.

Angie Kronenberg: The FCC Must Act Now to Save the USF
While the USF remains vital in an ever-increasing connected world, it is in serious jeopardy of surviving.

Should Big Tech or Broadband Be Tapped for USF Contributions?
Including all broadband internet revenue will alter the internet in uncertain ways, claims expert.

Sixth Circuit Appeals Court Denies Petition Challenging FCC Jurisdiction on Universal Service Fund
Sixth Circuit adopted reasons from another appeal court.

Bill Would Require FCC to Make Rules on Expanding Funding Base of Universal Service Fund
The bill requires the FCC to study and reform the contribution base of the Universal Service Fund.

Appeals Court Denies Petition Challenging FCC Administration of Universal Service Fund
The matter is also in front of the 6th and 11th Circuit courts.

FCC Nominee Gigi Sohn Withdraws from Consideration
Sohn was first nominated in October 2021.

AT&T Floats BEAD in USF Areas, Counties Concerned About FCC Map, Alabama’s $25M for Broadband
AT&T suggested the FCC look into relieving USF by considering other public funding in ACAM areas.

How Long Will it Take Congress to Revamp the Universal Service Fund?
Critics urged the FCC to expand the fund’s contribution sources, but the agency chose to punt the decision to Congress.

Chart of States Accepting BEAD Grant Applications
Braodband Breakfast is tracking each state's BEAD grant application window.

Chart of Fixed Wireless Access Subscribers
Braodband Breakfast is tracking fixed wireless access subscriptions.

Chart of Wireline Broadband Subscribers
Braodband Breakfast is tracking wireline broadband subscriptions.

Chart of Wireline Broadband Subscribers By Technology
Braodband Breakfast is tracking wireline broadband subscribers by technology.

Chairman Pallone Says Service Providers May Be Abusing ACP
‘These reports detail problems customers have faced,” wrote Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone

Lines Are Sharpening Over Who Drives the Future of Universal Service: Congress or Broadband Providers?
Big communications companies want Congress to tax telecom, while many others want higher fees on broadband service.

Urging Need for FCC Action on Universal Service Fund, Expert Says Congress Too Slow
FCC should not ‘wait for Congress to sort through these complex issues.’

Kate Forscey: Mobile Broadband Gap Needs to Be Remedied, Too
A recent study by CostQuest suggests that 37,000 more towers are needed to bring mobile coverage up to speed nationwide.

Library and Education Technology Groups Pan FCC Proposal for New E-Rate Procurement
Responders fear that updating the E-Rate process will increase complexity for applicants.

Joe Kane: Rural Broadband Infrastructure Should Fund People Wherever They Are
Future broadband funding should target those who need it, even if they live in cities or the suburbs.

FCC Encouraged to Limit Data Collection on Affordable Connectivity Program, Others Want More
One trade group warns about providers leaving the program if data collection too onerous.

Universal Service Fund in Need of Reform, Said Panelist at Broadband Community Summit Event
The Universal Service Fund’s base is shrinking.

Economist Warns of Customer Losses if Broadband Revenues Find Way in Universal Service Fund
A number of players have pitched the idea of having big tech platforms pay into the basic telecommunications fund.

Petition Challenges Constitutionality of Roles FCC, USAC Play in Universal Service Fund
The legal brief comes at a time when the FCC studies the future of the fund.

John Harrington: The FCC’s Proposed E-Rate Bidding Portal Expands Federal Power, Not Local Decision Makers
This shift away from local autonomy for procurement would be the most radical change to the program since its inception.

Federal Communications Commission Proposes Changes to Rural Health Telecom Rules
If formally adopted, the agency would be changing longstanding rural health care telecommunications subsidies.

Policy Groups Want Bigger Contribution Base to Shore Up the Future of the Universal Service Fund
Expanding the number of internet providers eligible to contribute to the fund may decrease costs for telecommunications providers and consumers.

Federal Communications Commission Approves New Provider Transparency Requirements
Broadband providers must now create “broadband nutrition labels” which list pricing and speed information.

Federal Communications Commission Implements Rules for Affordable Connectivity Program
The agency implemented new rules on the Affordable Connectivity Program, which makes a new subsidy permanent.

Coalition Says FCC E-rate Portal Proposal Could Create More Problems
Industry officials say the commission’s approach to E-rate competition would burden applicants.

FCC Commissioner Carr Details Steps Needed for 5G, Says Talk of 6G ‘Almost Too Early’
The commissioner also said he thinks Biden will support Big Tech contributions to the Universal Service Fund.

Advocates Call for Universal Service Fund to Include Broadband Revenues
Letter cites Carol Mattey report, which recommends broadening the base.

Experts Urge FCC Unilaterally Broaden Revenue Base of Universal Service Fund
Consultants say the Federal Communications Commission has the authority to do so.

Adrianne Furniss: Lifeline Needs A Lifeline
The FCC should hit the pause button on a current plan to zero out support for voice-only services.

New Report Recommends Broadening Universal Service Fund to Include Broadband Revenues
A Mattey Consulting report finds broadband revenues can help sustain the fund used to connect rural and low-income Americans.

Experts Concerned About Connectivity After Emergency Broadband Benefit Fund Runs Dry
April 1, 2021 – Experts are concerns about the long-term implications of the $3.2-billion Emergency Broadband Benefit program (EBB) running out of money without a plan for what happens after. The fund, created by Congress in December, provides up to $50 in a monthly internet discount for families an

Sen. Ed Markey Celebrates Telecom Act as Telecom Lawyers Tell Congress to Be Specific
February 2, 2021 – Democratic Sen. Ed Markey’s communications policy focus this Congress will be on net neutrality, children and climate change, the long-serving Massachusetts lawmaker said at a Federal Communications Bar Association event Tuesday to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Telecommuni

With Universal Service Fund Contributions at 32 Percent, Experts Debate Its Sustainability
January 29, 2021 – With contributions into a program intended to extend basic telecommunications services to all Americans now adding an additional 32 cents on top of every dollar of telecommunications service, experts on January 15 debated whether, and how, the Universal Service Fund can be sustain

Brent Skorup and Michael Kotrous: Modernize High-Cost Support with Rural Broadband Vouchers
Remote work and learning during the pandemic compelled some lawmakers to get creative in expanding broadband availability. In Delaware and Alabama, state officials earmarked parts of their CARES Act funding to create broadband vouchers—monthly service rebates—for households with school-age children.

Render Networks Offers Industry Guide to RDOF Network Deployment Success
December 16, 2020 – Render Networks has announced the launch of its new RDOF Deployment Guide, sharing key considerations for network deployment success and insights into developing a compelling and complete Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) long-form application. Render’s role in the Federal Co

US Telecom Hosts Discussion on Detailed Process for Finalizing Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Results
December 15, 2020 — The Federal Communications Commission recently announced the winners of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. In the reverse auction,180 bidders won $9.2 billion in federal monies to be distributed over the course of 10 years, to provide broadband to 5.2 million locations across th

At US Telecom Event, Broadband Leaders Call For Changes in Universal Service Funding Mechanism
December 4, 2020 — Broadband industry leaders on Thursday called for the Federal Communications Commission to modernize Universal Service Fund programs, and highlighted other steps critical to making broadband affordable and available to all Americans, speaking during a US Telecom forum. “Affordabil

Toby Bargar: In 2021, Watch for New Federal User Fees, State Tax of Streaming Services
The longest, costliest, most contentious election in U.S. history has finally ended. Notwithstanding pending legal action, victors have been declared for the most part at the federal, state, and local levels. With the transition of governance underway, it’s time to look ahead to what the 2020 electi

Pushes to Privatize USPS Threaten the Oldest Universal Communications Network and Efficiency of Mail-in Ballots
August 3, 2020 — The economic fallout resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically worsened the financial condition of the United States Postal Service, necessitating financial relief if it is to continue operating through fiscal year 2020. Analysts predict that the agency will run out of m

Huawei is a Serial Intellectual Property Thief, Says FBI Director Christopher Wray
July 7, 2020 — Huawei has repeatedly stolen American technology and is a “serial intellectual property thief,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday. Speaking in a Hudson Institute webinar, Wray claimed that China severely threatens America’s technology companies and intelligence agencies. “

New Bill Rolls Back Restrictions on Universal Service Fund-Eligible ISPs
June 12, 2020 — A new bill introduced by Rep. G. K. Butterfield, D-N.C., would get rid of a Federal Communications Commission restriction on which Internet Service Providers are eligible for the agency’s Universal Service Fund. The Expanding Opportunities for Broadband Deployment Act would approve I

Disagreements About Satellite Providers, Upload Speeds, Pepper Panelists Picking Apart Rural Broadband Fund
WASHINGTON, February 11, 2020 – A panelists on the new rural funding program at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ winter forum generated a start difference of view from two Washington insiders. US Telecom Law and Policy Vice President Mike Saperstein disagreed with fello

Trade Group for Independent Broadband Providers Closes Doors After 27 Years of Advocacy
WASHINGTON, February 3, 2020 – ITTA, which called itself “the voice of America’s broadband providers,” closed on Friday due to financial obstacles after over 25 years of advocating for wireline communications. ITTA – which was originally known as the Independent Telephone and Telecommunications Alli

After Changes, FCC Approves Rural Digital Opportunity Fund For More Than $20 Billion
WASHINGTON, January 30, 2020 – The Federal Communications Commission voted in favor of the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund on Thursday in spite of concerns voiced from the democratic commissioners Jessica Rosenworcel and Geoffrey Starks. The Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, the successor to the Connec

Broadband Roundup: Mayor Pete Makes Trillion-Dollar Infrastructure Bid, USDA ReConnect Grants Announced, US Telecom and Robocalls
Presidential hopeful and former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg released a $1 trillion dollar infrastructure plan that he says will create millions of jobs, reports The Hill. Buttigieg’s infrastructure plan focuses on changes at the community level, including “expanding and repairing road and public

Gordon Smith: Can a 5G Fund Connect Rural America at 21st Century Speeds?
Last month, Federal Communications Chairman Ajit Pai announced a new plan to allocate $9 billion toward deploying 5G wireless in America’s rural areas. From these funds, $1 billion would be earmarked for precision agriculture. The 10-figure sum is impressive, but it’s not all new money. Pai would re

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Announces Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, Highlighting 25 Mbps Download Speed Requirement
WASHINGTON, January 8, 2020 – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai on Wednesday announced that the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund, with $20.4 billion over the next 10 years, will be voted on by the agency at its January 30 meeting. Pai announced further details about the opportunity f

Lifeline Remains the Best Method for Connecting All Americans, Says FCC’s Geoffrey Starks
WASHINGTON, December 11, 2019 – The most vulnerable members of the population need to have the critical services they need from the Lifeline Program, Federal Communication Commissioner Geoffrey Starks said Tuesday at a Practicing Law Institute conference. Lifeline remains the best method to keep eve

Broadband Roundup: FCC Authorizes More Connect America Funding, NextLink Expands Coverage, Connected Nation in Ohio
The Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday authorized more than $61.8 million in funding over the next decade to expand broadband to nearly 22,000 unserved rural homes and businesses in 14 states. This funding marks the sixth wave of support from last year’s Connect America Fund Phase II auc

Comments on Digital Opportunity Data Collection Largely Supportive of FCC’s New Mapping Initiative
WASHINGTON, September 26, 2019 – Comments on the Federal Communications Commission’s latest effort to improve broadband data collection were due on Monday, and responses to the FCC’s Digital Opportunity Data Collection were largely positive. The order would shift data reporting from the FCC’s 477 fo

Broadband Roundup: Everyone (Almost) Gangs Up on Google, Muni Broadband Fact Sheet, SHLB Anchornet Conference
It seems that everyone except California and Alabama wants in on the action, whatever that action is, against Google. Attorneys general for 48 U.S. states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico on Monday announced an antitrust investigation, although not a lawsuit, against search engine giant Goo

USF Cap, New Pew Map, State Support for Electric Co-Ops, IP3 Awards
The Universal Service Fund should be subject to a budget cap, argued Technology Policy Institute Senior Fellows Sarah Oh and Scott Wallsten in a filing to the Federal Communications Commission. “A budget cap will create incentives for the entire USF community to assess the program, experiment with n

Drew Clark: Broadband Maps Are a Mess, So Now Let’s Focus on Actually Improving Them
The Founder of Broadband Census and Breakfast Breakfast, and the former executive director of the Partnership for a Connected Illinois – one of the State Broadband Initiatives that actually created the National Broadband Map – comments on a growing controversy.

Pilot Program Will Target Child Mental Health and Maternal Mortality Rates, FCC Says
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2019 — Among the items passed unanimously at the Federal Communications Commission July 10 meeting was the creation of a three-year, $100 million pilot program to support the delivery of telehealth services to rural and low-income Americans. “From chronic disease management to p

Federal Communications Commissioner O’Rielly Defends Budget Cap on Universal Service Fund
WASHINGTON, June 25, 2019- A budget cap to the Federal Communication Commission’s Universal Service Fund will provide “plenty for all,” said FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly Tuesday. The fund is currently paid for through fees imposed by consumers’ phone bills with four sub-programs dedicated to sp

Francella Ochillo is New Chief at Next Century Cities, Vermont Broadband Bill, and States Ponder Telehealth
Next Century Cities on Tuesday announced that it had named Francella Ochillo as the non-profit organization’s new executive director. Ochillo, currently the Vice President of Policy and General Counsel for the National Hispanic Media Coalition, has been active in testifying before Congress, meeting

Controversy Around 24 Gigahertz, Plus Rural Calls and Networks
The Federal Communications Commission’s recent auction of the 24 GigaHertz (GHz) spectrum has been criticized by both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. One of the concerns raised by NOAA and NASA is the potential for interferen

Press Release: Benton Foundation Opposes Proposal to Cap Fund to Close Digital Divide
On May 31, 2019, the Federal Communications Commission released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes imposing an overall cap on the Universal Service Fund. USF programs provide subsidies that make telecommunications and broadband services more available and affordable for millions of Americ

Rural America Needs More than Just Slow Internet Connections
BROADBAND BREAKFAST INSIGHT: Doug Dawson once again nails it on his blog post. The 10 megabit per second (Mbps) download / 1 Mbps upload was outdated when it was announced, just as 25 Mbps/3 Mbps (“broadband”) is today. It is especially disheartening to see the same requirement in the Agriculture De

FCC Press Release: Wireline Competition Bureau Releases Illustrative Model Results to Aid Preparation of Comments in Response to 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform
SOURCE: The Federal Communications Commission WC Docket No. 10-90 The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) announces the availability of illustrative model results intended to aid parties that are preparing comments in response to the 2018 Rate-of-Return Reform NPRM.1 In that NPRM, the Commission so

Look at this 1910 Map of AT&T’s Telephone Wires, an Early Version of ‘Broadband Mapping’
BROADBAND BREAKFAST INSIGHT: A great visual tidbit of history here. We found it when searching for information about the regulation of AT&T from the 1913 Kingsbury Commitment to the founding of the Federal Communications Commission in 1934. A Telephone Map of the United States Shows Where You Could

Trump Administration Turns Focus to Rural Broadband and Dark Fiber at American Farm Bureau Meeting
WASHINGTON, January 8, 2018 – The Trump Administration plans on making increased access to broadband in rural areas a priority as it implements the recommendations of its’ Rural Prosperity Task Force, said National Economic Council Special Assistant for Technology, Telecommunications, and Cybersecur

White House Supports FCC Efforts to Close Digital Divide in Efficient Manner
WASHINGTON, November 21, 2017 — The White House on Friday defended the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to prevent telecommunications service resellers like TracPhone and Simply Wireless from participating in the Universal Service Fund Lifeline program, and to restrict participation in t

Mignon Clyburn Blasts FCC Chairman Ajit Pai for Failing to ‘Put Consumers First’
WASHINGTON, November 1, 2017 — After nearly a year in the minority on the Federal Communications Commission, Democratic FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn told reporters on Wednesday that she has had enough of a Republican majority that “is not putting consumers first.” “The first 10 months [under Cha

Creatively Tapping the Universal Service Fund to Address Hurricane Maria Damage in Puerto Rico
BROADBAND BREAKFAST INSIGHT: Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai is proposing a creative response to repair the damage done by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico by tapping into the Universal Service Fund for necessary infrastructure repairs. A decision on the matter is planned for the a

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Questioned on Net Neutrality, Rural Broadband, During Re-Confirmation Hearing
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2017 – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai came to his re-confirmation hearing Wednesday with a message that network neutrality regulations were hurting infrastructure investments. The hearing joined Pai, current FCC chairman, with Jessica Rosenworcel, who had be

Rural Americans Disproportionately Lack Access to Broadband, Says Small Business Committee
WASHINGTON, June 26, 2017 – Among rural Americans, 39 percent lack access to high speed internet compared to only 4 percent of urban Americans who lack access, said Rep. Rod Blum, R-Iowa, at a hearing Thursday on Capitol Hill. He said more needs to be done to get rural Americans service on par with

Better Broadband Data Necessary to Make Overdue Improvements in Universal Service Fund, Say Panelists
WASHINGTON, June 26, 2017 – Without efficient data, the Federal Communications Commission can’t put together a model that shows what the cost would be to cover areas with no wireless coverage, the senior vice president of strategic relations of the broadband company C Spire said at a hearing on Tues

Universal Service Administrative Corp. Unveils ‘New Look,’ Will Address Programs at Rural Telecom Congress
DALLAS, April 18, 2017 – The Universal Service Administrative Corporation may not grab broadband headlines, but the once-obscure federal agency is central to helping rural America and other stakeholders get Broadband Broadband, Better Lives. USAC’s programs, plus its “new look,” will be the subject

Register to Attend the Rural Telecommunications Congress Program at Broadband Communities Summit
DALLAS, April 6, 2017 – The Rural Telecommunications Congress program at the 2017 Broadband Communities Summit here on May 1-4, 2017, will feature panelists on the Universal Service Administrative Corporation’s role in bringing broadband to underserved and unserved communities, the role of broadband
Ajit Pai Comes to Senate Oversight Hearing, Defends his More Limited Vision of FCC Authority
WASHINGTON, March 10, 2017 – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai defended his very vision of the agency’s role, as compared with his predecessor, during the first Senate Commerce Committee oversight hearing this year. The difference in attitude between Pai and former Chairman Tom Whe
The Battle for Rural Broadband is a Subject that Can Unite Red States and Blue States
BROADBAND BREAKFAST INSIGHT: Great piece from Ozy, a publication about which we weren’t familiar until this article, about the need for, and power of, broadband in rural communities. This, if anything, is an issue that blue states and red states can unite upon! The Battle for the Internet in Rural A
Despite Trump Pledge, Congress and FCC Don’t Appear to Have Appetite for Broadband Infrastructure Investment
WASHINGTON, March 8, 2017 – Despite high hopes that President Trump’s campaign promise for a trillion-dollar infrastructure bill would lead to additional investment in high-speed internet access, it appears that broadband deployment and accessibility is taking a back seat in Congress to brick-and mo
New York State Broadband Funding Provides Dollars in Traditional and Nontraditional Ways
Broadband Breakfast Insight: New York State continues its innovative efforts to provide broadband funding to underserved areas of the state. In addition to funding for traditional and non-traditional telecom companies, the program has received funding from the Federal Communications Commission’s Lif
New Deal Rural Broadband Act Introduced in House of Representatives Aims to Close Digital Divide
Broadband Breakfast Insight: This is a significant development to see emerging from the House of Representatives, which is generally less focused on rural broadband issues than the Senate. This new measure, the “New Deal Rural Broadband Act,” has an array of items, but one significant part appears t
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s Friday Changes to E-Rate May Be the Most Significant of the Turnabouts
Broadband Breakfast Insight: This item from the “Friday news dump” got less attention, but may be the more significant of the measures taken by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai. In addition to overturning aspects of the Lifeline changes made by the Obama-era FCC, he and the Republ
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai’s First Action is Approving Connect America Fund Dollars to New York State
WASHINGTON, January 26, 2017 – In his first substantive action since being named to his position on Tuesday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced approval of the petition by New York State’s broadband program to access the Connect America Fund. The agency’s full press releas
White House Announces September 21 Date for Release of Broadband Report
Editor’s Note: The White House announced that it would be releasing a report from its Broadband Opportunity Council on Monday, September 21. Read more about the council. Coming Soon: Building on Our Progress of Broadband Investment and Competition August 20, 2015 at 5:57 PM ET by Jeffrey Zients Summ
FCC Workshop on eRate Funding Shows New Flexibility for School and Library Fiber Builds
June 18, 2015 – Recent changes to the eligibility rules for the Federal Communication Commission’s eRate program open the door for new fiber connections for schools and libraries using agency funds. Among the rule changes were the suspension of the requirement that applicants seek funding for large
Drew Clark Quoted in Communications Daily on Municipal Broadband and Wired West
In a story from Communications Daily about the progress of WiredWest, the Massachusetts-based municipal broadband effort, reporter Samantha Madison quotes me as follows. Drew Clark, of counsel to Kirton McConkie, said this is an exciting time because it’s a great implementation of the next phase of
Schools, Health and Libraries Conference a Vital Connection for Public Broadband
Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition Conference [https://broadbandbreakfast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/shlb_2015_masthead_print-1024x256.jpg]https://broadbandbreakfast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/shlb_2015_masthead_print.jpg WASHINGTON, May 18, 2015 – More than five years after
Rural Telecommunications Congress Videos and Presentations Posted
AUSTIN, May 18, 2015 – The Rural Telecommunications Congress posted the entire video and presentations made at the recent Rural Telecommunications Congress held here last month at the Broadband Communities Summit. The original link to the sessions is at http://www.ruraltelecon.org/2015-rtc-bbc-summ
Rural Telecommunications Congress Elects New Slate of Officers: Drew Clark as Incoming President; Jane Smith Patterson as Immediate Past President
AUSTIN, April 16, 2015 – The board of the directors of the Rural Telecommunications Congress voted here on Wednesday to elect a new slate of officers to lead the organization, building upon its work over the last several years. At its annual meeting held jointly with the Broadband Communities Summi
Better Broadband for Rural America Means Looking Beyond Tradition: Join Us at the Rural Telecommunications Congress Today
AUSTIN, April 14, 2015 – The Rural Telecommunications Congress portion of the Broadband Communities Summit opens here Tuesday with a series of conference sessions focused on looking beyond conventional rural telecom. Rural Telecommunications Congress [https://broadbandbreakfast.com/wp-content/uploa
Jonathan Chambers of the FCC Says Results of Rural Broadband Experiment Teach Incumbents a Lesson
AUSTIN, April 14, 2015 – The official from the Federal Communications Commission responsible for the agency’s unique “rural broadband experiment” on Monday said the experiment was less about learning than about teaching the rural telecom industry that it can do better. Speaking on panel at the Broa
Rural Telecommunications Congress Takes Center Stage at Broadband Communities Conference – For a $195 Price
__1421904841 [https://broadbandbreakfast.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/1421904841-300x107.png]AUSTIN, April 9, 2015 – The Rural Telecommunications Congress (RTC) will take center-stage at the 2015 Broadband Conference Summit here next week. Preconference workshops begin on Monday, April 13 and the
California Emerging Technology Fund Helps Bridge the State’s Digital Divide
WASHINGTON, November 19, 2014 – Although some believe that the digital divide is not a problem, there are Americans who have not adopted broadband due to the cost or lack of access. Some states have played an active role in getting their citizens online, and one such organization is the California E

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, in Press Call with Sen. Markey, Proposes $1.5 Billion Increase in E-Rate
WASHINGTON, November 17, 2014 – Federal Communications Committee Chairman Tom Wheeler and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., on Monday proposed increasing the $1.5 billion cap to the E-rate portion of the Universal Service Fund. Schools and libraries, who would benefit from such an increase, have been calling
White House Rural Council Meets with Officials from NTCA, or Rural Broadband Association
WASHINGTON, October 30, 2014 – Members of the White House Rural Council and the trade group NTCA, or Rural Broadband Association, met on Tuesday at the Executive Office Building to discuss the group’s Smart Rural Community Initiative. Additionally, the NTCA held a telecom executive policy summit and
Alliance for Education Emphasizes the Need for Next-Generation Network Internet Speeds In Schools
WASHINGTON, October 27, 2014 – An Alliance for Excellent Education webinar on Tuesday highlighted the integral role that high-speed internet access in schools plays in the success for both the institutions and their students. As highlighted in the Pew Research Center’s recent report, next generation
At Schools and Libraries Broadband Conference, Educators Lament Lack of Internet Funding
WASHINGTON, October 10, 2014 –High-capacity internet and networked services are the future of education because they will provide instructors and students with the necessary connectivity and capacity for 21st century educational technologies, said the Indiana state director of Education Networks of
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Says Title II Reclassification of Broadband On The Table
WASHINGTON, September 18, 2014 – During a House Small Business Committee meeting on Wednesday, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler comfortably discoursed on his years as a small business owner. The hearing covered topics including broadband’s impact on small businesses, that lack
Broadband Roundup: Rural Providers Want RUS Funding, AT&T Expands ‘GigaPower’, and Potential Surveillance Changes
WASHINGTON, July 30, 2014 – The House Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock, Rural Development and Credit held a hearing on coordinating the future of broadband investment. Lang Zimmerman, vice president of Yelcot Telephone Co., a member company of rural broadband association NTCA testified that fun
FCC Officials Outline Plans for $100 Million in Funding for Rural Broadband Experiments
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2014 – In a webinar on Thursday, July 17, the Fiber to the Home Council hosted a webinar with Federal Communications Commission officials on a $100 million fund for expanding broadband capabilities to rural communities. FCC officials encouraged companies to apply for the funds,
In Partisan Vote, FCC Passes a Modified E-Rate Proposal for Spending Funds on Wi-Fi Connectivity
WASHINGTON, July 15, 2014 – The Federal Communications Commission on Friday voted to modernize of its E-Rate program Friday, reallocating funds from technologies considered obsolete to Wi-Fi based connectivity in schools and libraries. However, owing to strong skepticism from opponents over funding,
In Lead-up to July’s FCC Meeting, Agency Laid Groundwork for Supportive Vote on E-Rate Changes
WASHINGTON, July 15, 2014 – In a phone conference on July 1, in the lead-up to last week’s open meeting of the Federal Communications Commission, agency officials discussed Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposal to modify the E-rate program. The agency seeks to spend more funds on Wi-Fi gap connectivity wi
FCC Announces Universal Service Fund Strike Force in Effort to Combat Wasteful Spending
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2014 – In an effort to combat ongoing complaints of inefficiency within the Federal Communications Commission’s Universal Service Fund, Chairman Tom Wheeler on Monday announced a strike force dedicated to “rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse.” To be led by Loyaan Egal, a former
Broadband Roundup: Internet Giants on Net Neutrality and FCC’s Rural Broadband Launch
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2014 – Some of the world’s leading tech giants, represented by a lobbying firm called the Internet Association, have officially filed their petition for net neutrality. The companies include Google, Facebook, Netflix and Amazon, among others. “The internet’s continued success is
Broadband Roundup: Caution on E-Rate, Merger Review Teams at FCC, and a New Akamai Internet Speed Report
WASHINGTON, July 8, 2014 – Federal Communications Commissioner Michael O’Rielly supports modernizing the E-Rate program, but not if it means increasing the “ever growing strain on [the average American’s] pocketbook,” he wrote in a blog post Monday. The solution to increasing the program size, O’Rie
Broadband Roundup: Charter Schools Love E-Rate, Kickstarter CEO on ‘Fast Lanes,’ and Broadband Video Quality
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2014 – As the Federal Communications Commission prepares to vote on E-Rate modernization July 11, some educators are “threatening to derail” the process according to The Hill. These educators have criticized Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposal for focusing large sums of funding on Wi
Broadband Roundup: FCC’s Wheeler Continues Net Neutrality Quest, FCC Wireline Bureau Benchmarks Broadband Data for Connect America Fund
WASHINGTON, July 1, 2014 – Republicans are concerned about the regulation of internet service providers as utilities under Title II of the Communications Act, but Federal Communications Chairman Tom Wheeler said that he isn’t ruling out the section as a legal basis for agency authority. In a letter
Broadband Roundup: Comcast Blasts Public Utility Regulation, White House to Host Smart Home Expo, and ‘Commercially Reasonable’ Data Roaming
WASHINGTON, May 29, 2014 – Comcast CEO Brian Roberts has defended his company and its proposed merger with Time Warner Cable against critics, reports Re/code. Saying that he could accept “some kind of net neutrality law,” he scorned the idea of reclassifying broadband as a public utility under Title
Broadband Roundup: Data Brokerage Industry in the Hot Seat, Library and Education Group Want More E-Rate Funds
WASHINGTON, May 28, 2014 – The National Journal reported that the Federal Trade Commission released a report charging the data brokerage industry with collecting “troves” of information on nearly all American consumers. The agency urged Congress to push for more transparency. Believing that an invas
Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition to Meet in Washington This Week
WASHINGTON, May 6, 2014 – Efforts to construct Gigabit Networks will be featured prominently at the Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition meeting this week in Washington, the fourth annual event for this community of broadband users. The even will run from Wednesday, May 7 through Friday
Press Release: Alaska to Receive Federal Funds for Rural Wireless Improvement Efforts
In light of new developments in the Universal Service Fund, this press release about the Tribal Mobility Fund caught our eye…. March 5, 2014 – The Federal Communications Commission announced that Alaska’s largest telecommunication provider, General Communication, Inc. (NASDAQ:GNCMA), is eligible to
Expert Opinion: Business as Usual Despite Departure of Universal Service Administrative Company CEO
Although it is the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or “Commission”) that is charged with implementing the ambitious universal service policy goals set forth in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (the “Act”), the FCC designated the Universal Service Administrative Company (“USAC”), an indepe
The Broadband State of the Union? Obama Touts Apple- and Microsoft-Funded eRate Initiative in Address
WASHINGTON, January 29, 2014 – President Obama highlighted the importance of broadband connectivity in his State of the Union address Tuesday, and announced that Apple, Microsoft, Sprint and Verizon were contributing funds to enable ultra-high-speed broadband connections “over the next two years, wi
American Energy
American energy production has increased substantially over the past few years.

As data centers proliferate, Nuclear Energy is potentially ready for a revival.
Cryptographic technologies and blockchain ledgers are driving a new era of decentralized finance.

The rapid rise of cloud computing and artificial intelligence has placed an unprecedented strain on America’s energy grid.

Using a Map of Communities Receiving Connect America Funds, FCC Uses Rigorous Approach to Targeting Broadband Subsidies
WASHINGTON, September 6, 2013 – The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday released a map demonstrating the location of more than 600,000 homes and business targeted to receive higher-speed broadband connections. The map, dubbed the “Connect America Fund, Phase I, Round 2,” follows on the FCC
FCC Acting Chairwoman Praises Cable Industry, Calls for More Broadband Adoption and Use
WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 – Federal Communications Commission Acting Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn discussed her work at the agency and her plans for the future of the FCC with National Cable and Telecommunications CEO Michael Powell at the opening session of the second day of the NCTA’s annual Cable Sh
Congressional Panel at The Cable Show Highlights Spectrum, Net Neutrality, and Universal Service Issues
WASHINGTON, June 11, 2013 – Spectrum policy, net neutrality, and Universal Service Fund reforms were among the topics discussed by congressional staffers at The Cable Show panel entitled “Capitol Perspectives: Commerce Committee Staffers on Communications Policy.” The panel, held at the annual conve
Farm Bill Debate in Senate on Thursday; Numerous Amendments Dealing with Broadband
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2013 – On Tuesday evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, kicked off the new debate on the Senate’s consideration of the farm bill when the chamber returns to session on Thursday morning. A number of amendments proposed to the measure impact broadband in rural are
Acting FCC Chairwoman Clyburn Announces Second Wave of First Phase of Connect America Fund
WASHINGTON, May 23, 2013 – The Federal Communication Commission will offer $485 million to expand fixed broadband access in rural areas, Acting Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn said on Wednesday. The funding is part of a public and private effort to provide broadband services in areas, predominantly rural,
BroadbandBreakfast.com Co-Sponsors VCXC’s “Start!Forum” Addressing the IP Transition at Wiley Rein, June 12th
WASHINGTON, Thursday, May 23, 2013 – The internet policy news and events service BroadbandBreakfast.com will co-sponsor VCXC‘s (Voice Communication Exchange) June 12,
2013 “Start!Forum” at Wiley Rein, 1776 K Street NW in Washington, DC. Use promocode “BBBC” for free registration at http://vcxc.org/j
Americans With Access to Broadband Jumped Over Past Two Years, Says Commerce Department’s NTIA
WASHINGTON, May 20, 2013 – The percentage of Americans with access to broadband speeds of at least 3 Megabits per second (Mbps) download and 768 Kilobits per second (Kbps) upload grew from 95 percent in 2010 to 98 percent in 2012, according to a report issued by the National Telecommunications and I
America is Lagging in Global Broadband Because of Antiquated Infrastructure: TIA Video on Capacity
WASHINGTON, May 17, 2013 – America is lagging behind a number of foreign countries in terms of broadband penetration, according to a Telecommunications Industry Association documentary entitled “Broadband Capacity: Are We Ready?” According to the video, America’s deficiency is due to the fact that A
Fiber-optic technology is the gold standard for home or commercial broadband, and powers wireless connectivity, too.

Mobile communication has become a central part internet connectivity.
The internet has the potential to impact, and also to enhance, society's democratization.

Section 230
Section 230 is sometimes called the 26 words that created the internet.
Net Neutrality
Whether broadband providers may prioritize delivery of bits by the entities they own is a divisive topic.
Open Access
Open Access networks separate network operations from internet services. Ownership may also be separate from operations.
The pandemic has prompted a new era of funding for broadband infrastructure.
Because Rural America is often the least-connected region in the country, ensuring coverage is central to BEAD.
Wireless technologies are critical for mobile communications, and for being able to reach remote locations.
Satellite broadband remains an option those areas beyond the reach of fiber, terrestrial or mobile wireless.
Data Center
Data Centers and Cloud Computing rely upon robust and high-speed upload and download internet speeds.

Tribal leaders say the federal government has failed to uphold its trust responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of Native American tribes.
The 5G wireless standard promises breakthrough in capacity, speed and dynamic spectrum-sharing capabilities.

Wireless Internet Service Providers play an important role in delivery of fixed wireless broadband.
Digital Inclusion
We need humans to make digital inclusion work.

Technology, particularly broadband access and adoption, plays a vital role in K-12 and secondary education.

The innovations of telehealth and mobile health care has transformed medicine and health care.

Public Safety
Ensuring that emergency communications are enabled with broadband is the next frontier in public safety.
Broadband internet service allows many people to work from almost anywhere.
Digital locks and keys are necessary, but not sufficient, to ensure cybersecurity.

The scourge of robocalls is making America's once-vaunted telephone network less trustworthy.

The BEAD program is implemented by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the U.S. Commerce Department.

Community Broadband
The last three years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of communities building publicly-owned, locally controlled infrastructure.
The entire concept of privacy has been transformed by broadband and the internet.
Broadband Mapping and Data
Accurate broadband mapping and data has been central to America's broadband buildout.

Smart Cities
Cities of the future rely on high-speed internet access and advanced fiber and wireless connectivity.
Advanced Energy
The infrastructure necessary for advanced energy also powers the infrastructure necessary for high-speed internet.
Autonomous Vehicles
Self-driving cars are one of many advances to come for smart cities and communities.
Drones and airborne transportation are one of many advances to come for smart cities and communities.
Antitrust has been re-invigorated by concern over the power of big technology, media and telecom companies.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence is poised to transform humans' relationship with technology, and each other.
Social Media
Social media plays a powerful force in the lives of most adults and teenagers.

Free Speech
Debates about the role of free speech have been transformed by broadband internet services.

Semiconductors are the world’s new oil.
Whether licensed, unlicensed or shared, radio frequency spectrum is the critical resource for wireless communication.
On Friday, FCC Chairman Genachowski to Announce Departure; Accomplishments Include National Broadband Plan, USF, Wireless Auctions and Wireless Competition
Julius Genachowski plans to announce his departure from the Federal Communications Commission.
eRate Reform, National Public Safety Network FirstNet, Focus of Senate-FCC Oversight Hearing
WASHINGTON, March 13, 2013 – At Tuesday’s oversight hearing of the Federal Communications Commission, Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., on Tuesday put the focus on the portion of the Universal Service Fund designed to provide connectivity to schools and libraries, as well as on the public safety network
Taking the Bully Pulpit at Technology Trade Show, Bill Clinton Touts Broadband and Cell Phones
LAS VEGAS, January 11, 2013 – Taking the stage here at the Consumer Electronics Show, former President Bill Clinton returned to a theme that he pioneered in the Oval Office: technology has the power to accelerate economic development and improve people’s lives. Whether through high-bandwidth capabil
Netgear Seeks to Move Beyond ‘Feeds and Speeds’ to a Smart Broadband Home for Everyone
LAS VEGAS, January 7, 2013 – Netgear announced a range of broadband-focused products at the Consumer Electronics Show designed to get “the other 99 percent” of the population to use high-speed internet more effectively. The wireless router company’s CEO said that his company wanted to make sure ever
Our Broadband Election – and the Next Chapter of High-speed Internet in America
November 5, 2012 – In the lead-up to the 2008 presidential election four years ago, then-candidate Barack Obama repeatedly raised the importance of “expanding broadband lines across America” as part of the economic stimulus plan that become the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. During the firs
Video on Reforming the Universal Service Fund Tackled Connect America Fund and Mobility Fund
WASHINGTON, October 19, 2012 – The internet policy news and events service BroadbandBreakfast.com held its October 2012 Broadband Breakfast Club “Reforming the Universal Service Fund: What’s Changing?” on Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 at Clyde’s of Gallery Place, 707 7th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001 f
‘Reforming the Universal Service Fund: What’s Changing’ Broadband Breakfast Club of October 16th 2012
WASHINGTON, Monday, October 15th 2012 – The internet policy news and events service BroadbandBreakfast.com will hold its October 2012 Broadband Breakfast Club event “Reforming the Universal Service Fund: What’s Changing?” on Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 at Clyde’s of Gallery Place, 707 7th St. NW, Wa
Schedule Change for Broadband Breakfast Club October and November Events
WASHINGTON, Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 – The internet policy news and events service BroadbandBreakfast.com has a new schedule for October and November Broadband Breakfast Club events. “Reforming the Universal Service Fund: What’s Changing about the Connect America Fund and the Mobility Fund” w
How to Tackle Broadband Adoption by the Nation’s Underserved Populations
WASHINGTON, Thursday, July 26, 2012 – Last week, the fourth year of the Broadband Breakfast Club Series came to an end with a timely panel on “Bringing Broadband Adoption to the Nation’s Underserved Population.” Panelists from the private, nonprofit and state government sectors came together to dis
What Challenges Are We Still Facing in Seniors Getting Online: What Have We Learned and What Are the Remaining Obstacles?
WASHINGTON Thursday May 17 2012 – Nearly two years after the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act’s (ARRA) broadband deployment and adoption projects were funded and the National Broadband Plan was adopted, we are still dealing with 100 million Americans who do not receive broadband in the home.
Lifeline Reform One More Step Toward Adoption
WASHINGTON, January 27, 2012 – A couple weeks ago, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski announced the FCC’s Order to modernize the Universal Service Fund’s Lifeline Program. In a week where almost all of the media’s attention was focused on new technologies and innovative ga
States Take Aim at USF and ICC reform
WASHINGTON December 8, 2011 – Wednesday TheHill.com reported that the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission filed suit against the Federal Communications Commission for it’s Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to reform the Universal Service Fund and Intercarrier Compensation regime. T
Expert First Impression from Steve Morris, Vice President & Associate General Counsel of the National Telecommunications & Cable Association
WASHINGTON, Friday October 28, 2011. Vice President & Associate General Counsel of NCTA, Steve Morris gave Broadband Breakfast his first impressions on yesterday’s USF Reform Proposal. Morris told us: The Chairman, the commissioners, and the FCC staff, all deserve a great deal of credit for bringin
The Connect America Fund: Statements and Highlights from the FCC Commissioners
WASHINGTON, Friday October 28, 2011. The Federal Communication Commission unanimously voted to overhaul its outdated the Universal Service Fund and reform its intercarrier compensation fund at yesterday morning’s Open Commission Meeting. The FCC predicts that an effort to expand high speed interne
Forbes Mercy Including Fixed Wireless in the USF Discussion
WASHINGTON, DC October 24, 2011 – Forbes Mercy, President of Washington Broadband Inc and WISPA VP/ Legislative Chair shared some thoughts and comments with BroadbandBreakfast.com after our panel on “Bringing Broadband Infrastructure to Rural Areas: Where is the Progress?” You can watch the video of
Broadband Infrastructure to Rural Areas is on the Move at the Broadband Breakfast Club
WASHINGTON, October 21, 2011 – Rural broadband providers, national union members, federal agency officials and state broadband administrators squared off on Tuesday at the Broadband Breakfast Club’s keynote and panel presentations on “Bringing Broadband Infrastructure to Rural Areas: Where is the Pr
Senate Hears ‘Consensus Framework’ Proposal and Concerns for Universal Service Reform
Thursday October 13th 2011 – As BroadbandBreakfast.com gears up for our panel on “Bringing Broadband Infrastructure to Rural Areas: Where is the Progress?” we have been taking some notes on the FCC’s efforts to reform the Universal Service Fund and listened in on Wednesday’s Senate Commerce Hearing
BroadbandBreakfast.com Hosts Broadband Breakfast Club Event “Bringing Broadband Infrastructure to Rural Areas: Where is the Progress?” Tuesday, October 18th, 2011 in Washington, DC
WASHINGTON, Thursday, October 13th, 2011 – The internet and intellectual property policy news and events service BroadbandBreakfast.com will hold its October 2011 Broadband Breakfast Club event:
“Bringing Broadband Infrastructure to Rural Areas: Where is the Progress?” on Tuesday, October 18th 2011 at Clyde’s of Gallery Place, 707 7th St.
Obama’s Third Generation of Broadband Policy and the Universal Broadband Imperative
WASHINGTON, August 22, 2011 – The beauty of the internet has always been the disconnection of content and infrastructure. Landline phone service was a one-to-one medium. It required the phone company’s infrastructure of wires and switches and telephones. Broadcast television was one-to-many. It rel
July Breakfast Club Examines Connect America Fund Transition
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2011 – The July Broadband Breakfast Club gathered key industry experts to discuss how the Universal Service Fund could be transformed to support next generation broadband communications technologies on Tuesday. “The Universal Service Fund (USF) has done a great job in getting p
BroadbandBreakfast.com Hosts the Broadband Breakfast Club July 2011 Event ‘Making the Universal Service Fund into a Universal Broadband Fund’
WASHINGTON, Monday, July 18th, 2011 – The internet and intellectual property policy news and events service BroadbandBreakfast.com will hold its July 2011 Broadband Breakfast Club event, “Making The Universal Service Fund into a Universal Broadband Fund” on Tuesday, July 19th, 2011 at Clyde’s of Gal
Rural Telecom Associations Raise Concerns Over USF Reform
WASHINGTON, July 18, 2011 – The FCC should consider costs and service areas of rural broadband customers as it reforms the Universal Service Fund (USF) to include broadband expansion, urged members of congress and rural telecom associations Thursday. The rural telecom associations announced at the
Free State Foundation Panel Calls for USF, Intercarrier Compensation Reform
WASHINGTON, July 14, 2011 – The Free State Foundation, a free-market think thank, assembled key industry experts Wednesday and pressed for the immediate need for reforms to the Universal Service Fund and Intercarrier Compensation systems. For the past year, the Federal Communications Commission has
Expert Opinion: The New Market Frontier in Technology
Last year, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) recognized the role of technology in strengthening this country’s economy by investing 7.2 million in funding into technology and broadband adoption initiatives through the Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP
Expert Opinion: Broadband Adventures in Wunderland: The (Expensive) Myth of Competition
The National Broadband Plan won’t do jack until more folks in Wunderland acknowledge and aggressively address one stark truth – broadband competition is mostly a myth, expensively maintained through lobbyists, think tanks and easily-influenced politicians. Until we get meaningful competition, a sign
RCA Calls on FCC to Reject Reverse Auctions
WASHINGTON, May 25, 2011 – The Rural Cellular Association issued a statement on Monday encouraging the Federal Communications Commission to reject reverse auctions and seek Congressional authority to institute Universal Service Fund reform.
FCC Holds Final USF Reform Workshop in Nebraska
WASHINGTON May 20, 2011- The Federal Communications Commission held its final in a series of Universal Service Fund reform workshops, featuring key industry officials in Omaha, Nebraska on Thursday. One of the key reforms that the FCC has proposed in its USF reform proposal is the use of reverse au
FCC Probes Industry on USF Modernization
WASHINGTON April 28, 2011 – The Federal Communications Commission gathered key industry experts on Wednesday to explore the different ways that the Universal Service Fund can be modernized to effectively deploy high speed broadband to rural America.
Rural Provider Groups Suggest Solutions on Universal Service Reform
WASHINGTON, April 19, 2011 – The National Telecommunications Cooperative Association (NTCA) and the Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telecommunications Companies (OPASTCO), in conjunction with 30 state and regional associations released to the FCC their recommendations to fix
Joint Center Convenes Panel to Promote Adoption for Underserved Communities
WASHINGTON March 2, 2011 – Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies held a panel on Wednesday on how the federal government should promote broadband adoption and access to underserved communities. The panel served as an update the National Broadband Plan, which came out one year ago.
FCC Bureau Chiefs Report To NARUC On Commission Activities
WASHINGTON February 16, 2011 – Officials from the Federal Communications Commission updated the telecommunications subcommittee of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners on the current state of wireless, public safety and wireline competition at the Association’s yearly convent
NARUC Panel Supports USF Reform
WASHINGTON February 15, 2011 – On Monday, the Telecommunications Subcommittee of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners gathered a diverse group of experts to discuss the Proposed Rulemaking on Universal Service Fund Reform the Federal Communications Commission recently issued.
FCC Paves Way For Comprehensive USF Reform At Open Meeting
WASHINGTON, February 9, 2011 – The FCC adopted a measure during Tuesday’s open meeting that lays the groundwork for revisions to the nation’s telephone subsidy systems in the near-term and an eventual overhaul to transition those systems into building and supporting broadband infrastructure. The No
Genachowski Pushes USF Reform Ahead Of FCC Vote
WASHINGTON, February 8, 2011 – FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski pushed for Universal Service Fund reform at the offices of the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) on Monday, a day in front of the Commission’s vote to adopt a rulemaking on the issue. Genachowski began his remarks by
Levin, Settles Square Off On Broadband Funding Debate
WASHINGTON, February 7, 2011 – Blair Levin, head of the team that authored the National Broadband Plan and Craig Settles, a leading industry analyst, debated at the New America Foundation on Monday the best way to deploy broadband to unserved and underserved areas.
Rockefeller to Focus on Fraud, Cybersecurity
WASHINGTON, January 24, 2011 – The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV), released his legislative agenda for the upcoming year on Friday. The senator plans to prioritize three broad areas: economic security and growth, proactiv
Congressional Action on Telecommunications Act in Question at Broadband Breakfast Club
WASHINGTON, January 20, 2011 – After 15 years of explosive growth and innovation in telecommunications since the last major revision, the 112th Congress is faced with the question of whether the law is keeping up with technology. On Tuesday, our panelists discussed whether Congress should consider a
E-Rate Report: Speed Problems Linger
WASHINGTON – A widely supported program intended to subsidize internet access for schools and libraries continues to fall short of its goals, according to a recent report from the Federal Communications Commission. The E-Rate program offers subsidies for schools and libraries to obtain broadband con
Fifth Circuit Rules USF Contributions Income
TEXAS – Companies receiving state and federal Universal Service Funds (USF) must pay federal income tax on those funds, according to a judgment from the Fifth Circuit earlier this month. The appellate court upheld a summary dismissal from the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas aga
Chairman Genachowski Outlines FCC Goals at Consumer Electronics Show
LAS VEGAS, January 10, 2011 – FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski highlighted the Commission’s successes in the 111th Congress and looked to its goals in the 112th during a discussion with at the Consumer Electronics Show on Friday. The conversation between the Chairman and the Consumer Electronics Ass
Connect America Fund Threatens Rural States’ Telephone Subsidies
WASHINGTON, November 29, 2010 – As the next phases of the National Broadband Plan draw near, states with significant rural area have expressed concern that they may lose funds vital to affordable telephone service.
Commerce Report Shows Diminishing Digital Divide
WASHINGTON, November 9, 2010 – After a year of data crunching and analysis, the Commerce Department has released a report titled “Exploring the Digital Nation Home Broadband Internet Adoption in the United States,” concluding that a digital divide still exists but is decreasing.
USF Mobility Fund: Good Idea, Bad Choices
WASHINGTON, November 8, 2010 – A key policy goal of FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski’s is the reform of the Universal Service Fund, which is a program designed to help bring communications service throughout nation. The recent National Broadband Plan proposed the creation of a mobile broadband fund t
Broadband Breakfast Club Considers Broadband Stimulus Efforts and Begins Evaluating its Impact
WASHINGTON, October 22, 2010 – Now that all of the broadband stimulus funding has been distributed, its effectiveness can now be evaluated. That was the message at the Broadband Breakfast Club on Tuesday, October 19. Video of the event was released on Friday. While the long term value of the stimulu
What Worked in Broadband Stimulus, and Why Washington Should Pay Attention (Updated!)
When Washington thinks about the “broadband stimulus,” what should it remember? The federal government spent nearly $7 billion on new, broadband-related activities, that in many respects were completely unlike traditional federal telecommunications spending on telephone service. Tomorrow’s Broadban
Broadband Breakfast Club Convenes Forum to Discuss and Evaluate Broadband Stimulus
WASHINGTON, October 14, 2010 – The internet and intellectual property news service BroadbandBreakfast.com announces the second event in its Fall 2010 – 2011 Broadband Breakfast Club series, “Evaluating the Broadband Stimulus.”
Mignon Clyburn Expects FCC Universal Service Fund Proposals by Year-End
ARLINGTON, Va., October 2, 2010 – Federal Communications Commissioner Mignon Clyburn emphasized the need for quality research in policy making, particularly with regard to reforming the universal service fund for telephone and internet connectivity. Speaking at the Friday evening dinner session at
Universal Service Reform Gets Bipartisan and Industry Support
WASHINGTON, September 16, 2010 – The Universal Service Fund is clearly in need of reform but rather than fully overhaul the program, Reps. Rick Boucher, D-Va., and Lee Terry, R-Neb., have introduced a bill targeting the high cost fund, the method of fund collection and the inclusion of funds for the
FCC Aims to Increase Awareness of Lifeline, Link Up Programs
WASHINGTON, September 14, 2010 – This week is the second annual “National Lifeline and Link Up Telephone Discount Awareness Week” brought to you by the Federal Communications Commission, National Association of Regulatory Commissioners and the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates
FCC Lays Out Plans to Overhaul Universal Service Fund
WASHINGTON, September 7, 2010 – The Federal Communications Commission late last week laid out part of its plan to reform the universal service fund, including pushing Sprint and Nextel to live up to their commitments to surrender their high-cost universal support over five years.
Join the Campaign to Bring Internet Home to Mom
Join the cause to bring home the internet to mom and the kids on the farm. BIHT’M (Bring Internet Home to Mom) leads the fight to reconnect a mother with her property, relations and the world around her. The time for seclusion is over. Let the inundation of over-stimulation in the information age co
FCC: Consumers Continue to Receive Slow Internet Connections
WASHINGTON, September 3, 2010 – The Federal Communications Commission has updated its latest report on Internet access service subscribership, revealing that only 44 percent of fixed communications connections to households met or exceeded the agency’s target speed for universal access.
Alaskan Senator’s Telecom Legacy Extends Beyond Fateful ‘Series of Tubes’ Comment
SAN FRANCISCO, August 11, 2010 – One of the more unfortunate pop-cultural legacies of Ted Stevens as far as telecommunications policy is concerned is his 2006 comment that the internet is like “a series of tubes.”
Google and Verizon Announce Joint Net Neutrality Policies
WASHINGTON, August 9, 2010- Google and Verizon have announced a joint statement of principles on network neutrality and hosted a conference call Monday to outline their effort to the press. Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg announced that this new policy calls for an open and t
Broadband Initiatives: Impact will depend on Wireless & Fixed Strategies
With the advent of continued proliferation from wireless coverage throughout the U.S., and the projected exponential growth in mobile access, adoption and affordability through LTE to 4G technology; the realities of serving less populated areas becomes increasingly more likely. The strides being mad
Rockefeller Attacks FCC, Calls for Change
WASHINGTON, August 4, 2010 –Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) attributed the aftermath of the Big Branch Explosion in West Virginia to “a troubling lack of communications facilities in our rural communities.” The cause of this void, Rockefeller argued, was the Federal Co
Australia Expands Universal Service Goal
WASHINGTON August 3, 2010- While many of the nations of the world are struggling to bring basic high speed access to their populations Australia has announced that it will expand its already ambitious goal. Initially the National Broadband Network was supposed to reach 90% of the Australian populati
Genachowski Calls Universal Service Fund ‘Broken’ in Speech to OPASTCO
WASHINGTON, July 29, 2010 –Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski, speaking to the annual Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telecommunications Companies (OPASTCO) convention in Seattle yesterday, told his audience that he agreed with bipartisan critics of
Boucher and Terry Declare USF Broken
WASHINGTON July 22, 2010- Representative Rick Boucher (D-VA) Chairmen of the Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet, and Lee Terry (R-NE) introduced a new bill to update the Universal Service Fund. This update will include broadband as a mandatory serve, modify the contribution
Levin Encourages Digital Citizenship
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2010 – The principal author of the National Broadband Plan has several suggestions on how to achieve universal first-class digital citizenship.
FCC Commissioners Discuss Minority Issues at the Eighth Annual Access to Capital and Telecommunications Policy Conference
WASHINGTON, July 19, 2010- Three Federal Communications Commissioners Robert McDowell, Meredith Baker, and Mignon Clyburn encouraged use of the internet and new media applications to assist minorities and women entrepreneurs and connect them to financial resources.
UK to Push Universal Service Goal Back 3 Years
WASHINGTON July 15, 2010 – With a tightening budget the United Kingdom government has decided to push back their universal service deadline by 3 years. Last year the nation had committed to bringing 2 Megabits per second to all citizens by 2012 but will now push the deadline to 2015. Tory Culture Se
American Cable Association Supports Creation of Connect America Fund
WASHINGTON July 15, 2010 – The American Cable Association has publicly endorsed the Federal Communications Commission’s plan for the creation of the Connect America Fund. “Like the FCC, ACA is convinced that the time has come for the USF to focus on the infrastructure technology of the future: Broa
FCC to Expand Universal Service Rural Health Care Fund
WASHINGTON July 15, 2010- Rural America lags the rest of the country in both access to quality healthcare and high speed broadband but today’s action by the Federal Communications Commission seeks to change that. In a unanimous vote the commission supported expanding the Universal Service Rural Heal
FCC Uncovers New Funding For Universal Service Program
WASHINGTON, July 7, 2010 – Last week, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) released a budget projecting that $900 million in unused administrative costs would be extended to schools and libraries, pursuant to the FCC’s Universal Service Program. The unused funding comes from FCC budge
Webinar Presents Telehealth Data and Recommendations
WASHINGTON July 7, 2010 Independent analyst firm Ovum presented a webinar to present the drivers and barriers to telehealth adoption, the current competition environment, and recommendations for health-care providers and patients. The webinar was presented by the authors of two recent telehealth re
Finland Declares Broadband Access a Right
WASHINGTON July 1, 2010- In an amendment to the Communications Market Act broadband access was added as a right for all citizens and business. The Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority (FICORA) will ensure that all citizens have access to broadband connection with a minimum down speed of 1Mbps
Study: Libraries Help Job Seekers, Others Through Free Internet Access
WASHINGTON, June 25, 2010 – Public libraries are key resources for job seekers, researchers and others thanks to their position in the community as an access point to the internet, says a new study from the American Library Association.
Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee Reviewed Universal Service Reform
WASHINGTON, June 25, 2010 – Universal Service reform is one of the key components of the National Broadband Plan and a principal which many in the telecommunications industry believe needs to happen before the current system collapses. On Thursday, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transpo
Aspen Institute Communications and Society Fellow Blair Levin Gives Insight to National Broadband Plan
[https://broadbandbreakfast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/099-300x225.jpg]https://broadbandbreakfast.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/099.jpg WASHINGTON, June 23, 2010. Blair Levin, former executive director of the Omnibus Broadband Initiative at the Federal Communications Commission, spoke about so
House Commerce Committee Seeks Review of Universal Service Program
WASHINGTON, June 18, 2010 – In a letter to FCC Chairmen Julius Genachowski the leaders of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce have request a review of the Universal Service Program.
Clyburn Advocates Transforming the Universal Service Fund
WASHINGTON, June 17, 2010 –Commissioner Mignon Clyburn spoke at the Mid-America Regulatory Conference in Kansas City about the National Broadband Plan’s goal to have every American have access to affordable, dependable broadband service at home.
Universal Service Working Group Announced
WASHINGTON, June 14, 2010 – The National Broadband Plan recommends that the current Universal Service Program be updated and split into two separate programs the Connect America Fund and the Mobility Fund. To achieve this shift the FCC has created a Universal Service Working Group to be headed by Sh
Congress Asks FCC to Increase Rural Broadband Goals
WASHINGTON June 2, 2010– A bipartisan coalition of 40 congressional officials has sent FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski a letter asserting that the official goal of 4 mbps for rural broadband is too low.
Genachowski Extols Broadband at International Telecommunications Union
WASHINGTON, May 27, 2010 – Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski spoke about the United States’ broadband development and challenges regarding education at the World Telecommunications Development Conference in Hyderabad, India. He addressed the International Telecommunicatio
FCC Chairman Unveils New Strategy to Cope with ‘Network Neutrality’
WASHINGTON, May 6, 2010 – FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski this morning announced his agency’s plan to take steps to deal with the issue of broadband regulation.
National Broadband Plan: A Look at Chapter 8 and Availability
WASHINGTON, May 3, 2010 – Chapter 8 of the National Broadband Plan deals with the fundamental issue of availability. The chapter sets out a very systematic and long-term set of policies intended to expand availability.
Commerce Announces Final Grant Awards from First Funding Round
WASHINGTON, April 27, 2010 – The Commerce Department has announced nine broadband investments totaling more than $114 million in grants, in more than a dozen states. The announcement marks the final grant awards from the first round of BTOP applications.
Qwest Communications to Merge with CenturyLink
WASHINGTON, April 23, 2010 – Qwest Communications has announced a merger with CenturyLink. The new firm will span 37 states with 5 million broadband customers, 850,000 wireless consumers and 17 million access lines. The new firm will maintain the CenturyLink name and maintain prominent visibility in
FCC Takes Another Step to Reform Universal Service Fund
WASHINGTON, April 22, 2010 – The Federal Communications Commission has kicked off its latest efforts to reform the much-maligned Universal Service Fund, which was created to help bring communications services to all Americans.
FCC Soldiers On With Broad Agenda after Court Ruling Curbs Authority
WASHINGTON, April 9, 2010 – Aiming to stem a rising swell of concern over a recent court decision curbing the Federal Communications Commission’s regulatory authority, the agency has released an ambitious agenda for implementing key recommendations of its National Broadband Plan.
Ford Foundation President Urges Grant-Makers to Enter Broadband Arena
WASHINGTON, April 8, 2010 – Ford Foundation President Luis Ubiñas is urging foundations and other grant-makers to dive into the broadband issue to help expansion and adoption of high-speed Internet access throughout the United States.
Connecting America, Chapter 4: ‘Broadband Competition and Innovation Policy’
Twenty-five years ago, the World Wide Web did not exist. Very few Americans had even seen a mobile phone, and broadband networks were available only to a few businesses and research institutions. Today, innovations such as broadband and others like it drive the creation of a wide variety of product
Connecting America, Chapter 3: ‘Current State of the Ecosystem’
To see how broadband is transforming American life, walk down a busy street or pay a visit to any school, business or airport. Parents on business trips use their smartphones to check e-mail or watch short videos of their children playing soccer, hundreds, if not thousands, of miles away. Americans
Connecting America, Chapter 2: ‘Goals for a High-Performance America’
THE MISSION OF THE PLAN is to create a high-performance America—a more productive, creative, efficient America in which affordable broadband is available everywhere and everyone has the means and skills to use valuable broadband applications.
National Broadband Plan: A Look at Chapters 1 & 2
WASHINGTON, March 26, 2010 – The national broadband plan aims to present not just a roadmap of how to expand broadband but also to provide a long-term vision of innovation. While the first chapter of the plan explains its overarching goals and congressional mandate, the plan is really outlined in th
The National Broadband Plan: Affordable-Speedy-Accessible-Competitive-Socially Sound
The National Broadband Plan submitted by the FCC is a window into the possibilities of creating a Gateway of economic growth for America.
FCC Readies Plan to Bring Affordable Broadband to 100 Million Homes, Dubs Plan ‘Connecting America’
WASHINGTON, March 15, 2010 – The Federal Communications Commission will present its congressionally mandated plan to bring high-speed Internet access throughout the United States to lawmakers tomorrow, outlining six long-term goals and detailing its views on better ways to encourage broadband compet
Rep. Terry: Universal Broadband Offers Potential for Businesses and Residents
Representing a congressional district that includes Omaha, Nebraska, Republican Rep. Lee Terry knows first hand the benefits of advanced telecommunications. Omaha is home to four Fortune 500 companies and as highlighted in Stephen Colbert’s “Better Know a District,” Omaha is the teleservices capital
FCC Chief Previews Spectrum Recommendations
Washington, February 26, 2010 – The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission this week previewed his agency’s spectrum recommendations in the FCC’s upcoming national broadband plan to be presented to Congress next month. In Julius Genachowski’s statement titled “America’s 2020 Vision for Mo
Regulatory Experts Discuss States’ Broadband Goals
WASHINGTON, February 22, 2010 – A meeting of regulatory commissioners last weekend included much discussion of major telecommunications issues such as the state of the nation’s broadband.
FCC Chief Raises Curtain on Bits of Broadband Plan
Washington, February 16, 2010 – Federal Communications Commission chief Julius Genachowski previewed the agency’s upcoming plan to outfit the nation with broadband access at a winter committee meeting of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.
FCC Advisor Advocates Universal Service Fund Reform
TAMPA, Fla., February 1, 2010 – Broadband is as important today as television and radio were in the last century, a senior policy advisor for the Federal Communications Commission said at an association annual meeting this week.
Independent Phone Alliance Urges FCC to Act on Universal Service Fund Reform
WASHINGTON, January 29, 2010 – The Independent Telephone & Telecommunications Alliance is urging the FCC to adopt its price-cap plan so that its members, which are largely mid-size local exchange firms, can get better support from the Universal Service Fund.
Reflections on ‘Sustainable Adoption’ for Round 2 of Broadband Stimulus
LAKE FOREST, Ill., January 11, 2010 – Last July when the Round 1 of Broadband Technologies Opportunity Program was announced, Don Samuelson suggested that public housing authorities across the country ought to be applying to BTOP for financial assistance to promote the use of the Internet by their s
The Cable Pipeline: Top 10 Predictions for 2010
Predictions for 2010 for Broadband, Cable TV, Telecom, and Wireless seen through the eyes of The Cable Pipeline.
New York Senator Wants Rural Broadband Action
WASHINGTON, December 23, 2009 – Proponents of Broadband over Power Lines got a boost last week as Sen. Kristen Gillibrand, D-N.Y., introduced the Rural Broadband Initiative of 2009, to amend the Rural Electrification Act to include programs meant to bring broadband to areas where BPL might be most e
NTCA Letter To Commerce Committee Counters Prior Call By Techies
WASHINGTON, December 18, 2009 – An association representing locally owned and controlled telecommunications cooperatives and commercial companies in rural America sent a letter Friday to members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce urging lawmakers to oppose a recent request by a number of
FCC Releases First Draft of National Broadband Plan After Weighing Record
WASHINGTON, December 17, 2009 – The Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday laid out a rough draft of its national broadband plan after weighing through 66,000 pages of written comments, 27 public notices, 100 items posted on its “blogband” web site, and 700 blog comment posted to the record.
Education and Entertainment Seen as Essential to Minority Adoption
WASHINGTON, December 11, 2009 – In order to provide universal broadband, national policymakers will need to better understand and motivate under-indexed minority groups. That was the message at the Internet Innovation Alliance’s ‘Universal Broadband: Access for All Americans’ conference on Thursday.
Rockefeller, Hutchison Would Expand Lifeline Program to Broadband
WASHINGTON, December 11, 2009 – The Broadband Opportunity and Affordability Act, which would direct the FCC to expand the Universal Service Fund’s Life Line program to support broadband service, as well as explore programs to subsidize computer ownership for low-income Americans, was introduced in t
Copps Calls State of Broadband for Native Americans ‘A National Disgrace’
WASHINGTON, December 11, 2009 – The FCC’s forthcoming national broadband strategy must include steps to improve services to Native Americans, FCC Commissioner Michael Copps told attendees Thursday while delivering the keynote at the Practicing Law Institute’s Telecommunications Policy and Regulatory
Official: Developing Countries Want National Broadband Insight
WASHINGTON, December 10, 2009 – Developing countries frequently ask the World Bank for advice on how to roll out a national broadband strategy, said a speaker Thursday at a Federal Communications Commission workshop on the benefits of global broadband connectivity.
Telecom Co-ops Warn FCC Against Universal Service Fund Cuts
WASHINGTON, December 7, 2009 — Eliminating the high cost portion of the Universal Service Fund could endanger plans to roll broadband out to rural America, the National Telecommunications Cooperative Association said Monday in comments filed with the Federal Communications Commission.
Small Telcos Push for Broadband-Focused Universal Service Reform
WASHINGTON, December 7, 2009 – Broadband should be the central focus of the next generation of the Universal Service Fund, OPASTCO said Monday in comments filed with the Federal Communications Commission. TheOrganization for the Promotion and Aid of Small Telecommunications Companies’ comments highl
FCC Creates Standardized Process for Cell Tower Siting, Discusses Broadband ‘Gaps’
WASHINGTON, November 22, 2009 – In unanimous 5-0 decision, the commissioners of the Federal Communications Commission voted Wednesday to standardize the application process for tower siting requests. Advocates of the move said that the action marked another step by the agency to speed adoption of b
Universal Service Fund Needs Overhaul, and Most Want Broadband Included
WASHINGTON, November 18, 2009 – The Universal Service Fund is in need of an overhaul to equalize costs among stakeholders and modernize programs to include broadband services, a group of industry representatives and regulators told the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Communications, Techno
Rep. Matsui Wants Low-Income Broadband Program
WASHINGTON, November 14, 2009 – Congresswoman Doris Matsui touted legislation [http://www.matsui.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2123&Itemid=98] in a speech Friday that would require the Federal Communications Commission to create a program that would enable qualifying low-income
Google Voice Controversy with AT&T Freshens Up Access Charges Battle
WASHINGTON, November 13, 2009 – Access charges are well above the actual costs to connect telephone calls, despite the efforts made by the Federal Communications Commission, said Andy Regitsky of Regitsky and Associates, in a webinar presentation on “Access Charges and Network costs – A Guide to FCC
First County to Declare Broadband a Legal Right: Not Finland, but Switzerland
October 31, 2009 – Finland made headlines earlier this month in declaring that broadband had become a legal right. While this startled some people, the Finns were not the first people to declare this – the Swiss were. Further, in 2003, at the World Summit on the Information Society, a declaration of
D.C. Circuit Seemed to Support FCC Position on Universal Service: Report
The universal service fund has been growing at an alarming rate over the past few years, and in order to curb its growth the Federal Communications Commission choose to cap the amount of support a competitive eligible telecommunications company could receive in 2008. The Rural Cellular Association f
USF and Intercarrier Compensation Complicate Broadband Plan
As the new Federal Communications Commission takes up the task of changing the Universal Service Fund, the task will be all the more complex because of the intrusion of broadband policy objectives and proposed changes to the contribution methodology, panelists said Wednesday.
Universal Service Fund Should Focus on the Low-Income, Agree Broadband Experts
WASHINGTON, July 21, 2009 – A panel of broadband experts agreed Monday that the Universal Service Fund should direct more of its funding to low-income areas and away from exclusively focusing on rural high-cost areas, where funds are not being spent efficiently.
Rural and Tribal Telcos Unique Needs Require Unique Solutions, Execs Say
ARLINGTON, Va., June 18, 2009 — Properly measuring rural broadband access and availability with a broader set of definitions was necessary to reform the Universal Service Fund, a group of rural and tribal telecom executives said Thursday at the Pike and Fischer Broadband Policy Summit.
Genachowski, McDowell Nominations Move to Full Senate
WASHINGTON, June 18, 2009 – The Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday voted to advance the nominations of Julius Genachowski and Robert McDowell to serve on the Federal Communications Commission. If approved by the full Senate, Genachowski would serve as chairman and McDowell would serve a second te
Half of Americans Say Broadband Must be Available to All, Government Must Not Regulate
WASHINGTON, June 12, 2009 – Americans are increasingly supportive of government programs to guarantee universal internet access while remaining wary of regulation, said a Zogby poll released Friday.
Wireline, Wireless Providers Clash on USF Reform, Special Access, Adoption in Broadband Strategy Comments
WASHINGTON, June 10, 2009 – In comments filed Monday before the Federal Communications Commission on its plan to unveil a national broadband strategy, Old foes got a fresh chance to spar over long-standing battles on Special Access rates, Universal Service reform, and deployment versus adoption rate
No New Universal Service Fund Rate Says NASUCA
By Ryan Womack, Reporter-Researcher, BroadbandCensus.com
WASHINGTON, June 10, 2009 – The proposed increase in the consumer contributions to the the Universal Service Fund came under fire Tuesday from the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates.
“With high unemployment levels, foreclosures across the nation and everyone’s household budgets being
Lots of Questions, No Easy Answers on Stimulus Funds at Tech Policy "Town Hall"
SAN MATEO, CALIF, May 11, 2009 – Familiar faces gathered and familiar arguments on the best way to spend $7.2 billion rang out Monday at the San Mateo Marriott as the 2009 Tech Policy Summit kicked off with a Broadband Innovation mini-conference, with an opening “town hall” on the “state of the stim
Telecom Committees in Congress Raise Universal Broadband Issues at Cable Forum
WASHINGTON, April 28, 2009 – Congress is unlikely to act on major broadband issues until after the August recess, aides to House and Senate committee chairs told attendees Tuesday at the American Cable Association summit here.
State and Local Regulators Say 'Relevance' Needed For Successful Broadband Adoption
WASHINGTON, April 4, 2009 – Making broadband applications more relevant in underserved and unserved communities could be a better use of stimulus funds than building infrastructure, a group of state and local regulatory officials Friday at a cable industry show here.
Boucher Wants Cable To Play The NTIA/RUS Grant Game
WASHINGTON, April 3, 2009 – The NTIA/RUS broadband grant program is “a landmark opportunity” for the cable industry, House Energy and Commerce Communications Subcommittee chairman Rick Boucher, D-Va., said Thursday during a speech at the National Cable and Telecommunications Association’s annual con
Municipal Networks Offer Reachable Challenge of Serving the Unserved
SILVER SPRING, Md., March 30, 2009 – The morning session of the Freedom to Connect conference here probed the status and conditions of broadband quality and access in municipal America.
Rural Mobile Group Pushes 'Bill of Rights' for Broadband Users
WASHINGTON, March 25, 2009 – A consortium of broadband interest groups calling itself the Rural Mobile Broadband Alliance (RuMBA) USA, on Wednesday announced its “Broadband Bill of Rights.”
Congress, Industry Execs Agree on Broadband in Revamped Universal Service Fund
WASHINGTON, March 12, 2009 -The Obama administration’s priority in broadband deployment injected an undercurrent of excitement into a Thursday hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Technology, Communications, Technology and the Internet.
Among Friends, Boucher Stays on Message at CDT Gala
WASHINGTON, March 11, 2009 – As 700 of Washington’s technology and political elite gathered Tuesday night at the Center for Democracy and Technology’s annual fundraising gala, guests celebrated new-found progress and the hope brought by a new administration, but called for further action to fulfill
Internet Use Vital to Rural Economy, USDA Report Finds
WASHINGTON, March 3, 2009 – Most rural Americans do not subscribe to high speed internet services, according to an Agriculture Department report released last week.
Universal Service Fund Expansion Pilot Approved by State Commissioners
WASHINGTON, February 19, 2009 – State utility commissioners approved a resolution endorsing a Federal Communications Commission proposal to expand Lifeline and Link Up telephone subsidization programs to offer broadband service for low income consumers.
With Stimulus Fight Complete, Advocates Shift Focus to Universal Service
WASHINGTON, February 16, 2009 – With $7.2 billion in fiscal stimulus grants and loans marked to expand broadband infrastructure, industry groups, consumer advocates and some state regulators are supporting a proposal to fund broadband for low income households by tapping into the Universal Service F
Frontier CEO: Broadband Access is Critical for Rural Economy
WASHINGTON, February 16, 2009 – The CEO of Frontier Communications, America’s second largest rural telecommunications, provider told state utility commissioners Monday that quality broadband internet service is the key to shoring up a rapidly evolving rural economy.
Resolution on FCC Reform Divides NARUC Committee; Universal Service Fund Changes Less Controversial
WASHINGTON, February 15, 2009 – State regulatory commissioners are split on how strongly to express longstanding grievances with Federal Communications Commission processes. A resolution on reform of FCC management and practices dominated the agenda as the National Association of Regulatory Utility
State Regulators Could Ask FCC to Fund Broadband for Low Income Households
WASHINGTON, February 14, 2009 – State utility commissioners are considering a resolution to “strongly encourage” Federal Communications Commission implementation of a pilot program to make broadband internet access service eligible for subsidies drawn from the Universal Service Fund.
Convergence Will Complicate Regulation, Definition of '4G,' State Regulators Told
WASHINGTON, February 14, 2009 – With $7.2 billion in stimulus funds soon to be available for broadband service – and with the transition to digital television freeing huge swaths of spectrum – wireless communication could be poised for some technological advances. But defining and regulating these c
FCC Set to Press Forward on 'White Spaces,' But Pulls Comprehensive Overhaul of Telecom Payments
WASHINGTON, November 4 – The Federal Communications Commission on Monday deleted one of the four big-ticket items that it planned to tackle at its Tuesday open meeting, but resisted pressure to spike a rule that would force broadcasters to share the vacant spaces between television channels.
Internet Subcommittee Chair Hails Universal Broadband Service, Decries FISA
June 20 – All Americans, whether they be poor, handicapped, or rural, have the right to universal broadband service, Rep. Ed Markey said on Friday. The congressman also blasted the compromise foreign surveillance legislation that passed Congress on Friday.
Industry and Consumers Clash at FCC Over Cell Phone Fees
June 12 – Industry and consumer groups butted heads at the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday over early termination fees, or charges imposed on the customers of communications services prior to the expiration of their contract.